Tear on Islam By: Mustafa Lutfi Manfalouty Wrote to a - TopicsExpress


Tear on Islam By: Mustafa Lutfi Manfalouty Wrote to a scientists India book says the author, it is briefed on the author appeared recently in a language (Tamil) , the language of the Indians who lived Ibnakor and accessories in southern Madras theme: life history of Mr. Abdul Qadir Jilani said مناقبه and كراماته , he saw the qualities and titles that describe the Author Mr. Abdelkader surnamed out recipes and titles are vendor divinity أليق including vendor prophecy , as well as serve as the state Kcolh ( master of heaven and earth ) and ( Alinvaa damage, (f) disposed in the universes ) and ( Insider Secrets Caliph ) and ( Mohi dead (f) and blind Mbri and the leper and the blind ) and ( command from the command of Allah ) and ( ماحي , sins ) and ( scourge defended ) and ( Lifter inserter ) and ( Sharia owner ) and ( His full presence ) to many of the likes of these epithets and titles ! The writer says : that he saw in that book chapters explaining the author how they should adaptation guardian visiting the tomb of Abdul Qadir Jilani saying: ( The first thing that should be on the visitor that the ablution and light سابغا , then prayed two humility and evoke , then head to the Kaaba ; and peace after the owner of the holy shrine says : ( Your Thaqalayn , أغثني and gave me spending my need and relieve كربتي . أغثني O Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir , أغثني O Crown Abdelkader , أغثني O Sultan Abdul Qader , أغثني O Badshah Abdelkader , أغثني O Khoja Abdel Kader ) . (O Mr. Relief Asamadana , Sir Abdul Qadir Jilani , servant and Mriedk Mazloum helpless needy to you in all matters of religion and the world and the Hereafter ). The writer says also : that in the town ( Nakor ) in India graves called (Shah Hamid ), one of the children of Mr. Abdelkader - they claim - that the Indians worshiped in the hands of so grave prostration in the hands of God, and that in all countries of the Indians and villages shrine represents Mr. Abdelkader shrine , so kiss that go to the Muslims in that country and resort in the shelter needs and distresses him, and spend money on service and Sdanth the , in Mwaldh and Houdrath What if spent on the poor of the earth all to become rich. This is what he wrote to this writer ; God knows I do not completed reading his message even held my ground space and darkened world in my eyes , what I see those around me something in grief and sorrow over what the state of Islam among the people who Nkeroh after he knew him, and put him after sending it , and they went by the doctrines Do not know , do not like him . Any eye beautifies them to retain in the quarries single drop of tears, not Tragaha in front of this scene influential sad , landscape those Muslims , and they knelt prostrated on the threshold of the tomb was probably some of them is better than the static in his life, Vahry be well after his death ! . Which the heart can be stabilized between pleural owner of one hour , then fly alarmed when he sees Muslims debt consolidation owners more than the idolaters involvement in God ; and Ousahm Department in polytheistic ; frequent gods ! . Muslims did not ينقم triangulation of Christians? Did not hold them in chests those Almujdh and the that Aldgn ? What do يحاربونهم ? And them يقاتلونهم they have not attained shirk God Mpelghm , the no distinction which إغراقهم of ?! . Christians condemn three gods , but they feel strangely this multiplicity and beyond the mind , Violun it , and say that three per rule . The Muslims Videnon the thousands of gods , most trunks of trees , and the bodies of the dead , cut stones , from where you do not feel ! Often holds rights in the same order, and he does not feel it, and often include hidden himself on the doctrine does not feel the same inclusion . I do not see , for example , so the earliest Muslims who يلتجئون in their needs and demands of the population of graves and يتضرعون the to them Tdharahm to god idol. If the lintel them in that admonished , said : I do not Nabdhm , but implore them to God, if they feel that the worship what they are in it, and that the largest manifestation of deity god idol that stands slaves in his hands ضارعين خاشعين , seeking supplied and its aid , they are in fact worship for those the dead where they do not feel . Islam is the doctrine of monotheism came to lift the hearts of Muslims and instills in the hearts of honor , pride and above , diet, and aged necks of slavery slavery is not to humiliate the least to the greatest nor feared ضعيفهم , قويهم , do not be the one who Sultan including Sultan but in truth and justice . Has left Islam thanks to monotheism that impact the common good in the hearts of Muslims in early times , were with Enfé and pride , parents and jealous , beating at the hands of unjust if it is wronged , and say to the Sultan if exceeded only other authority : Stand where you are, do not yield to estimate the amount of yourself I just you Abdul creature is not Lord of the idol , and I know that there is no god but Allah. This form of the hearts of Muslims in the era of unification. Today was within their faith is inside of the trap subcontractors sometimes manifest and the other , the Zlt their necks , and whisk their heads, and Dharat them, have cooled their diet , they instituted a plan degradation, and Astnamua to Manzala world, and found their enemies the way to them, Vgbawa on ordered them, and they possessed their souls , and their money , their homes , their homes , they became one of the losers . God, Muslims will not retrieve the above glory, will not be attained what they want for themselves HE of life and Hinatha , unless Astrjawa before it what أضاعوه of monotheism . And the rising of the sun from the west, and effusion river water at its source , the nearest of return of Islam to the above- glory, and as long as Muslims are standing in the hands of Gilani as they stand in Gods hands , and say to the first , as they say for the second (you disposed in objects, You are the master earths and the heavens ). The same God change that some people happy Yazdrunh , يحتقرونه , and they take behind dorsally . If I got their pandemic , or befell them heal . Mentioned stone before Ivkrōh , and called the trunk before Inadoh . Who do I seek help ? And including استنجد ? And who invite him to this tragic الملمة ? Oadau Egypt and scientists are the ones who flock to ( day setback ) ripoff flies on drink? Or Astana scientists , who are killed Jamal al-Afghani Islam philosopher father to live Huda Sayadi Refaiya Sheikh way of ? Or Persians scientists who pilgrimage to the tomb of Imam as the pilgrimage to the Sacred House ? Mother India and scientists , including the likes of the author of this book ? . O nation s leaders and public their respective Adhirna heads involved , and the corruption of their beliefs , and we say that the common man as shorter , weaker insight of divinity imagined unless he saw fresh in monuments , statues, shrines and tombs. What Adhirkm you as you recite the Book of Allah, and you read qualities and Naute , and you will understand the meaning of the verse: {Say not aware of the heavens and the earth, except Allah } [ant: 65] And he said , addressing the Prophet : Say I do not have myself to benefit or harm } [custom: 188 ] . And he said: {And thrown as surrender , but Allah threw } [ Anfal : 17 ] ? You to say within Bbagm , afternoon, and Gdokm and Roagm : ( all the best to follow from the foregoing , and all the evil in inventing from behind ) Did you know that Ancestors were Ajsson the tomb , or begging mausoleum ? Did you know that one of them stop when the Prophet , peace be upon him , or the tomb of one of his companions and all his house , asking him to spend the need, or the relief they ? . Did you know that Rifai and Gilani and Bedouin Akram when God and the greatest way to prophets and messengers , and companions and followers ? . Did you know that the Prophet , peace be upon him , when he forbade the establishment of pictures and statues , forbade it in vain and played , or the fear that the re- Muslims first Jahlithm ? Any difference between the pictures and statues and shrines and tombs , as long as each been to shirk and spoil monotheism ? . God, what Jhiltm something from this , but you آثرتم a life on Hereafter , Faqpkm the God that looting Namtkm , and انتقاض commanded , and brought to you enemies يسلبون the أوطانكم , and enslaved رقابكم , and sabotaging your homes , and Allah is severe in punishment . Gods blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad , and his family and companions .
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:23:57 +0000

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