Tell Haagen Dazs, Dreyer’s, Edy’s, and Baskin Robbins: No - TopicsExpress


Tell Haagen Dazs, Dreyer’s, Edy’s, and Baskin Robbins: No Extreme Genetic Engineering in Our Ice Cream! SUPPORT FRIENDS OF THE EARTH IN THEIR CAMPAIGN Dear Ice Cream Makers, As consumers, we trust that when a company lists natural vanilla as an ingredient in its ice cream, that vanilla is produced from real vanilla beans, and is not the product of extreme genetic engineering, also known as synthetic biology. Synbio vanilla (synthetic biology vanilla flavoring) will likely soon be on the market. It’s produced with a new, virtually unregulated, experimental genetic technology. Synbio vanilla was designed to replace natural vanilla flavoring from vanilla beans, and is made in labs using synthetic DNA and reprogrammed, genetically engineered yeast. And like many of the products of genetic engineering, it won’t be labeled -- instead it is being falsely marketed as “natural”. Synbio vanilla poses health and environmental concerns and could speed rainforest destruction and harm sustainable farmers and poor communities across the world who rely on income from farming natural vanilla beans. We call on ice cream companies to listen to your customers and commit to not use synthetic biology vanillin (synbio vanilla) or sell products made with this ingredient.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:13:38 +0000

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