Thank you Beloved Ones! I know I have been unusually quiet about - TopicsExpress


Thank you Beloved Ones! I know I have been unusually quiet about the book writing retreat. It felt very supportive, encouraging, and amazing. Gathered with 35 very soulful, eclectic new authors. We shared a very intimate space including non-stop coyotes howling, very loud collective breath work, intense unbroken focus, bodywork, soul flow, Tom Birds Write Your Book in a Weekends birthday celebration, rich healthy chocolate cake, yummy food, illegal caffeine, precious bonding, learning of many secrets, and a lovely new opening of my soul, gifts, and leg up on my lifes purpose. Keeping the toothpaste in the tube a bit longer, as I learned from our Wayshower Friend Foster Gamble! The hardest part of the retreat was having to stop writing, and the moments where I had to re-activate the left side of my brain! Maxine Taylor... your hugs were enjoyed by Thomas Bird and Gwen and Rama too. One of my realizations is that I am not really so much a writer, and not a huge fan of being a teacher for anyone. I did discover that one of my most major soul gifts is awareness itself, thanks to a spirit I was guided to be seen by. And I bring a very vast gift of infinite imagination. So I look forward to sinking into the vast heart of true being, making my authors revisions, adding any more relevant insights my story needs, publishing my book, and gifting you all a sneak peek inside my heart and soul, journey and adventures, fears and bliss! A beautiful title came through. You will hear it, when I am ready to share the whole enchilada. Rebel that I am, I did share the story with two creative friends, who did in all honesty, both share a lot of genuine passion, encouragement, interest and excitement, at the same time grilling me like my big god brother and sister. In the end I grilled them a little too. So here I am grateful to have had the chance to write a book that pounded me open, like very strong therapy, masked in an art form. I faced my fears and wrote it anyway. Still have a long way to go, yet the way is opening up quite spontaneously, as I am. Graced and grateful! As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says You never regret things you do, only things you dont do. Oh, and we were blessed with the icing on the cake, at BODY, seeing many Beloved Ones, including Alan Hutner, Bright Daystar, Sandee Bozynski, Old Friends Shea & Diana Pacheco & daughter Mia Grace, and an exciting sighting of one of my Dear Heroes, Gregg Braden. I wanted to thank Gregg for being this amazing soul, and being the icing on our cake, right then and there. I wanted to invite him in to make everyone cheer, and to recognize we are all Gregg Bradens in our own right. Yet he looked very serious, and busy, and well, instead of celebrating him face to face, I raved excitedly to the class about the auspicious living omen, in the cafe. I sent some beautiful prayers and thanks his way, on the wings of our grand expansive energies. It was, and is all so very exciting. The crossroads is sublime. There are Soul Family Friends I would love to share this experience with... especially my Dad Marshall Klarfeld & my California Mom Mary Martin Guittard Klarfeld. When my bestseller shekels start rolling in, Id like to treat you two. Share my soul family with my creative soul family! Thank you all! Excited to take this retreat again and again, someday soon with Brother Francis Revels-Bey & Vernell-Billy Kline & William... Lesley Gunter... and who knows... maybe you!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:34:32 +0000

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