Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes. A couple of - TopicsExpress


Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes. A couple of self-indulgent observations on this less-than-auspicious occasion: 1. Several of you have suggested, as I add another candle to my birthday cake (thats a Sheriff John reference for those of you old enough to catch it), that I am somehow catching up with my older friends and relatives. Sadly, some of those using this new math are products of the Los Angeles public school system, as am I. Let me explain that the math doesnt work that way. You will always be older, if not as mathematically inclined, than this birthday boy. You know who you are. 2. Birthdays are a time of reflection and, unfortunately, the past year has not left me without deep personal loss. I feel that loss heavily today. However, there have also been many moments in the past year shared with many of you that have reminded me that there is much joy and love in my world, that my sense of loss has sharpened my appreciation of joy and that my father taught me all of this by FIERCELY embracing every member of his family. If you can begin a list of extraordinary people in your life with Vivienne, you are lucky indeed. If that list continues with David, Zach, Hannah and the rest of you I hold dear, youve flown past luck like a sports car flying past a termite infested telephone pole on the highway. 3. Facebook posts should never be this long! Self-indulgent rant over. Much love and peace.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:10:14 +0000

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