Thank you uncle for having the Moral courage always to stand up - TopicsExpress


Thank you uncle for having the Moral courage always to stand up for the speechless and weak. Makes me so proud to call you uncle Michael, anyway just had to add my two cents worth cause you got the ball rolling. Just the start to the year we needed I say!!! With international law standards today and when we were invaded, in 1788 we on this land mass known today as Australia were a Sovereign people. If you break it down, if any country was to have their own written history (cave paintings), tilled the earth (fire stick farming and sustainable practices) and had in place its own governance as we did; that is considered in international standard, a legally settled land mass. The only way to legally overtake the land is by conquest of war, treaty or claiming terranullias. Since the latter failed, in Australia along with a small group of other countries we have a huge issue of illegal occupants. WHY? Invasion is an act of war and cannot be used as a means to make legal their residency status, discovers and settled are complete lies with the evidence of war in our history. Genocide is also an act of war according to international law. So if we were a nation with rights when the invasion took place and all laws were broken then and not adhered to or acknowledged now, even international law standards.... We have an issue of illegal occupancy of of some 19 million people. This is why the racism is so full on this country I feel, keep us down so we cant exercise our rights. Like my deadly sister girl says, WE ARE THE 2% THAT OWNS THE 98%!!!! The solutions I feel are multi facetd like our lives. We have to have a lot more healing intitiatives in all communities constantly, we have to work on pride in culture and community, truth n Justice and recompense plus good governance. WE SHOULD DEMAND 7% LAND TAXES, 7% TRAVEL TAXES AND 7% AIR SPACE TAX TO FUND OUR OWN ECONOMIC BASE AND BE INDEPENDANT FROM THE FRAUD CALLED THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT. Like federal Indian law our rights will be protected in policy and law. Before any form of constitutional change we should have what I think is called a parley process of up to two years. Which I was taught is a process where we sit and discuss our grievances, their affects and how we will avoid this happening again in the future. If any meaningful and realistic changes are to come, I feel we need this process to make sure it is done wisely and only when we have reached consensus. To become 50% self sufficient, live close to country where possible and revive the old ways for our children are the 3 basic steps we can all take to persist like our old people would want us all to. Some could call it resisting but if your doing the same as we always have as a dear Uncle pointed out to family its more persisting than resisting. We must aim to take it back to thrival as we were before 1788, survival is something new and its just not working for anyone no matter the race. Survival of the kindest was the key to our thriving lifestyle not the modern day myth of survival of the fittest. So dont worry Im not suggesting deportation or taking backyards. We will not be bossed in our own country no more, we will not lie down, we will not go way, we will defiantly never forget or bow down. We are the ultimate humanitarians, environmentalists, conservationist, strategic planners and it wasnt too long ago we ran this country. We lived in balance and harmony, now look... So we will thrive again, bring back 100 n 500 year plans to start with. Whats a 10 year plan going to do for us, which is what government works with isnt it?? We like other countries would plan up to 1000 years in advance. ITS TIME FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS TO REGISTER A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE FOR THIS GOVERNMENT. WE CALL ALL OUR VISIONARIES, SPECIAL PEOPLE, ELDERS AND NOMINATED SPOKES PEOPLE TO LEAD AN INDEPENDANT PEOPLE AND TO WORK IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE NEW COMERS AT THE TOP TO GET OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BACK THE WAY IT WAS AND OUR CULTURE THRIVING AGAIN BEFORE WE ALL END UP EATING PIES, DRINKING COKE N LIVING IN A HUGE DESERT. CONVERGE, ALL MOBS FROM EVERYWHERE.... CONVERGE. ASSERT OUR RIGHTS. GET BACK ON TRACK. EVERYONE PLEASE JOIN US IN NATIONWIDE GATHERINGS TO REMEBER AND PAY HOMAGE TO OUR ANCESTORS - 25 January- the last day of freedom. Lets get it happening on a massive scale in 2015. Please feel free to contact me by email: kaiyumoura@hotmail
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:17:11 +0000

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