Thanks to SSS…thank you my people! BY THOMAS THOMAS I am - TopicsExpress


Thanks to SSS…thank you my people! BY THOMAS THOMAS I am glad to have been arrested by the men of the State Security Service (SSS) on the orders of the state governor (and his government) on the 1st day of July, 2014. My incarceration has more blessings than curses. In fact, I see no curse for being arrested in the first place. The merits of my incarceration by the SSS are enunciated in a book which is billed to come out in the next two months. Truly speaking, I had written a book secretly while in the custody of the SSS using a pen provided by God. The book is titled: “38 Days in Egypt”. Naturally, I should have rested since I am presently on leave; but it will be seen as the highest level of ingratitude (and of course, that is what it will mean), to Akwa Ibom people who stood by me and contributed in whatever capacity for my release from the SSS family for arresting me in the first place, because without them I would not have noticed how I am loved by my people. Let me thank the men of the SSS for their care and show of love while I was in their custody. If I dare say I was not well taken care by them while in their midst I will end up incurring the wrath of God Almighty. In their custody I was over-pampered. I was a “king” of sort in a strange land. I don’t want to start mentioning names, even though they deserve it. There are many flaws I noticed within the SSS, which I have mildly and diplomatically mentioned in my book. But let me quickly mention that but for the SSS there would be no Nigeria by now. And my advice to them is to resist any attempt to be used by desperate politicians such as Mr. Godswill Akpabio, if they really mean well for Nigeria; because their actions or inactions (like detaining an innocent man like me for almost two months) can lead to bedlam that might lead to the collapse of this country. However, whatever the SSS might have done to me consciously or unconsciously, overtly or covertly have been forgiven by me, though, it can’t be erased from history. I am indebted to so many people who have, in one way or the other, fought for me while I was incarcerated. I learnt some of them nearly embark on a wild (or mild) protest to drive home their demand to get me released. I am particularly grateful to my colleagues in the pen profession who really showed that an injury to one is an injury to all. In fact, they make me big. The entire Ikpaisong Empire (Global Concord) deserves a special thank you for fighting even more doggedly and fiercely while I was sniffing the bars. The Ikpaisong Empire strongmen like Mr. Solomon Johnny. Mr. Unyime Ekwere, Comrade Ime Silas, Commander Andy, Aniefiok Essah, Mfon Udo, Mr. Uduak Ikpatt, Nsikak Etuk, among others deserve more than a mere thank you from me. But silver and gold I have none, but all I can do is to dedicate this victory to them. Comrade Ime Silas is a friend. He coordinated the struggle to free me. He ran the show while I was detained. He advised. He spearheaded the “Bring back THOMAS THOMAS” campaign. I am highly indebted to him. Let me mention Solomon Johnny again. He is a fierce and bold writer who nearly scuttles the entire SSS organization with his daring salvo. I am indebted to him. I don’t know how to thank Mr. Nsibiet John of the Ink Newspaper fame. Just like Ime Silas, Nsibiet is a friend and brother extra-ordinaries. He did not only dare the establishment with his pen and powerful words, he went extra-mile to reach out to my parents and assured them of my safer return. That’s my brother. Can I stop mentioning Mr. Ifreke Nseowo, the nation’s youngest editor and the managing Editor of Community Pulse Newspaper who, despite his age, dared whosoever for my sake? You are my friend and junior brother whom we have a lot to share in the future. The publisher of the Weekly Guide Newspaper, Mr. Emman Sam is a friend and brother. Mr. Gideon Ekere of Global Post; Otuekong Franklin Isong of the Radar Newspaper; and a host of others too numerous to mentions here, were also my voluntary soldiers and solicitors. They protested my unwarranted incarceration, and had vowed hell and brimstones should I was not released, and on time. Too many lawyers had had interest in my case, not for selfish reasons, but for their desire to support the truth and free the masses from the shackles of tyranny and political ineptitude. Barr. Clifford Thomas, my brother and friend deserves a place in my heart for coordinating the legal aspect of the struggle to free me. He came often to see me to know how I was faring within the four walls of the cell. He solicited my welfare and ensured that I was still in high spirit. God bless you, my brother. Barrister Joe Ukpong, a former Commissioner of Environment, was there for me. He was the first attorney that “broke” the barriers of the SSS cell to see me. He spoke spirit into me. That’s learned senior brother (the judges should not mind my phraseologies). I am indebted to Barrister C. J. George of Offot Ukwa Chambers. He also fought for me. Barristers Francis Efanga and Francis Ekanem were there for me. I owe a lot of appreciation to the former Akwa Ibom State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Barrister Victor Iyanam, for leading other lawyers to free me. I am grateful. Victor Essiet of the Mandators fame ‘rose to the top’ to speak for me. He also published for my freedom. He’s a friend and brother who cares. This fearless brother has contributed in making me a “champion bubbler”. The Ibibio Elders stood up for me. They went as far as sponsoring advertorials in national and local dailies. I didn’t know some of them were my secret admirers. I am indebted to them, especially General Edet Akpan, Obonganwan Rita Akpan, Sen. Effiong Bob, Obong Sunny Jackson Udoh, Chief Udoisim Emah Uboh, Obong Nsima Umoh, Akparawa Okon Imerh, Akparawa Udo Sam Umoatang, Obong Offiong Akpabio, Chief Friday Okono, Obonganwan Dora Ebong, Obong (Engr) Effiok Akpan, and Obong Bassey Inuaeyen for sending an open letter to the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, demanding my immediate and unconditional release. I love you all. The former Military Governor of Rivers and Ogun States, Group Captain Sam Ewang was there for me. He called my colleagues and advised them on what to do. He had also put some calls to appropriate quarters for my safety. Thank you, Sir. My friend and sister, Edoamaowo Hanson took the “Bring Back Thomas Thomas” campaign to the Diaspora through Ibom Forum. My friends, too numerous to mention, fought gallantly, using social media such as facebook, twitters, etc. Hsundreds of Akwa Ibom indigenes in the Diaspora, especially, Mr. Thompson Essien, had also risen for me. May God bless them in Jesus name. Millions of readers and fans too prayed for my release. But for their prayers I would have still been in detentions, perhaps, killed. May I use this opportunity to thank the people of Oboetim Ikot Ekong in particular and Etinan Federal Constituency in general for standing by me during my trials. I am equally grateful to the people of Nsit Ibom, as well as my cousins, especially Ndifreke Udom, for being there for me. May God bless them in Jesus name. However, there are hundreds of people that fought gallantly for my freedom which I don’t have to mention their names for political safety. But I know them, and they know me, too. May you remain blessed. A big thank you to Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe who visited me while in the cell. His actions strengthened me. I am happy. Global Concord will continue to wax stronger, and no force, no matter how powerful, can impede it. Truly speaking, the State Government cannot gag the voice of the people. I am going to write more and better than before. That’s my resolve. I have forgiven Governor Akpabio for trying to bewitch me and the entire Global Concord family. But I want to advise him to change from his evil ways; though I have not regretted being incarcerated by him in the first place, even as I’m ready to go back to that very cell if he continues with his wicked ways. I love Akwa Ibom State, that’s why I always stand against any form of mal-governance. That I was arrested by the SSS by the order of Governor Akpabio does not change the fact that there is no government in the country that is as corrupt as Akpabio government in terms of insecurity, breeding of nepotism, etc. Above all, I am grateful to the Almighty God who in His wisdom took me to Egypt for safety and for knowledge. The SSS cell, to me, was Egypt of sort because governments, the world over, rely on official and non-official forces (such as assassins and kidnappers). Because of this God decided, in His wisdom, to send me there, just as he did to Jesus Christ, and to return when the bad ruler is gone. Mr. Akpabio is a goner… just believe… I have a lot to say, but let it be next week… I love you.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:48:29 +0000

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