Thanks to your generosity, my son’s unit now has reached its - TopicsExpress


Thanks to your generosity, my son’s unit now has reached its fundraising goal, making it possible for them to order new protective vests for all 26 of its soldiers. I know I speak for all these soldiers’ parents (especially the moms) when I say that the outpouring of support – which came from my own neighborhood as well as communities all over the world -- brought tears to my eyes. From the small donations to the big ones (you know who you are) are very much appreciated. Tizku l’mitzvot. As you know, my son’s comrades in arms had already raised some of the money they needed before this campaign began. Moreover, in fundraising terms, 10,000 shekels is a relatively modest goal. But faith in the IDF, and support for Israel propelled this campaign upward and onwards. The posting that I put up FB just yesterday afternoon has been shared more than 100 times. Even my sister in Boston said “it’s gone viral” – which she discovered after a friend contacted her, asking if we were related. While I don’t have personal access to the bank account, I have it on good authority that we have exceeded our fundraising goal. Some donors have already addressed this, saying they would be happy to see their contribution go toward anything else that will help my son’s unit succeed, and come home safely. Indeed, when I spoke to Sam yesterday, he said that the unit could benefit from computer and communications technology upgrades. Rest assured that any extra money raised – for which the soldiers are very grateful – will be put to serious use. At the same time, there are other individuals and organizations currently raising money for other units. You may want to re-direct your generosity toward them. Here are two options for you: The Ohel Moshe synagogue of Baltimore has created the “In-VEST in our Boys” campaign, which has already delivered protective vests to soldiers in the field. You can make a contribution online here: ohelmoshebaltimore/payment.php On a personal note (this is all very personal, but here’s another angle), my husband just returned from a business trip to Australia, where the local synagogue is ALSO raising funds to buy IDF soldiers protective vests. If you would like to be involved in that effort, please contact Rabbi David Blackman at [email protected]. For those of you who have “shared” my post, I encourage you to share this updated information with your friends. Again, our soldiers are strengthened by your show of support. The soldiers’ families are strengthened immeasurably as well… by the feeling that, in these difficult times, we are all one family. THANK YOU.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:43:36 +0000

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