The American Civil War, is a war that has never really ended. It - TopicsExpress


The American Civil War, is a war that has never really ended. It could be considered, rightfully so, to be the longest war in American history. No other war that this country has been involved in, has lasted almost 150 years. There are those, who would argue, that the war ended with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox in 1865. They couldn’t be more wrong, IT NEVER ENDED. All that took place, was the shooting part of the war ended. The only entity that surrendered, was the Military under General Robert E. Lee. General Lee had NO AUTHORITY WHAT SO EVER to speak for the Confederate Government, much less to surrender it. He only had the authority to surrender the Confederate Army, or to be more specific, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. The dually elected Governments of the Southern States that constituted the Confederate States of America, never did surrender; nor did the General Government under President Jefferson Davis. These Governments were over thrown at the point of the bayonet, and puppet regimes put in their place. Today it is much as it was in 1865, except now we are allowed “free elections”. ( Yeah, right) These so called freely “elected” leaders, are still chosen by Washington. They still have to pass muster of the Washington overseers, before they are allowed to hold office or even run for public office. If any REAL Southerner runs for office, he or she is quickly shot down by slurs, insults and innuendos. These tactics are used to marginalize, minimalize and totally destroy any real opposition to the occupation of the South. If any True Southerner tries to show pride in his or her Southern Heritage, they are quickly shown the error of their ways. They are subjected to tactics, which are reminiscent of the days of the Soviet Union. They are told, they cannot fly their Confederate flags on their own vehicles, or wear shirts with Confederate flags on them or jewelry with Confederate symbols. If reason doesn’t work, or these Southerners act upon their God given rights to protest these actions, they are subjected to even harsher tactics. They are told in no uncertain terms that if they do not comply with these demands, they will lose their jobs or be expelled from their schools and be kicked out on the streets. Many have already had that done to them, but many just comply out of fear of not being able to provide for their families or continuing their education. Now you might be wondering why I call this piece the war that never really ended. Like only one other war that America has been in, there was no peace treaty to end it. The other war I am speaking of, is the Korean War. Like that war, there was no peace treaty between the Union and the Confederacy, to officially end the American Civil war, or as we Southerners like to call it, the war of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. President of the C.S.A., Jefferson Davis, once said, The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena. Jefferson Davis, address to the Mississippi legislature - 16 years after the wars end. Even he understood, the war will never be over until there is a peace treaty between the C.S.A. and the U.S.A. The war has entered into a cold war status of sorts, much like the cold war of 1945-1989. Reconstruction, though not as severe as it was from 1865-1877, is still in effect. The South is still be being culturally cleansed, Milan Kundera, I believe, said it best, The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. This has been done very slowly, so slowly that many have missed what is truly going on. But now, Reconstruction has begun again in earnest. This time, it is not being done undercover or slowly. The N.A.A.C.P., whom I consider to be nothing more than a domestic terrorist organization, along with their legal lackeys, the Southern Poverty Law Center understands this. They have been culturally cleansing the South for many years, they have used tactics, such as economic terrorism against states and people, both black and white, who have done them no harm. They have used extortion, bribery, vote fraud, voter intimidation, slander and a host of other tactics too numerous to mention in this paper. They have committed so many crimes, that if you or I were to use even three of these tactics, we would soon find ourselves tried, convicted and sitting in a prison cell, calling some big dude named of bubba our boyfriend before we knew what hit us. With all that is going on in both the Northern States as well as the occupied Confederate States of America, massive unemployment, ramped taxes, the falling dollar and a myriad of other problems, the time maybe right to seek the liberation of the Confederate States of America. What am I talking about? I am talking about the full and complete restoration of the Government of the Confederate States of America, the one that was formed in 1861. Remember what President Jefferson Davis said, The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form. I believe that is form, is in the New Confederate Army and the interim Government of the Confederate States of America. So join us in this noble venture, join the NCA and help liberate our country.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 05:27:36 +0000

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