The American economy is not in very good shape right now. We have - TopicsExpress


The American economy is not in very good shape right now. We have recovered from a recession inasmuch as the economy stopped shrinking several years ago. But the wealth, opportunity and productivity of the American economy and our people (save for a wealthier few) has not grown enough to keep pace with the needs of the country. The labor force is as small as its been since the early 80s. Mostly that means, despite what we are told the unemployment rate is, millions and millions of Americans cant find work. Wages are stagnant for most of those who can find work, and debt continues to grow. Ironically, there are high paying job opportunities in the high technology fields. But educationally we lag so far behind in math and science that the labor market must import workers from other countries to fill these positions. I favor lower taxes in general to help counter these problems, but my focus is on the working and the middle class. My friend and fellow congressional candidate Adam King has a plan to eliminate income taxes for the bottom 50% of Americans which I support. But there are ways to do this which can appeal to Democrats and Republicans, policies which must be fought for in Congress. You may like or dislike my opponent Maxine Waters. But one thing that is true about her, is that she will not strive to work with the other side of the aisle, creatively and cooperatively, on the pressing problems of our day. Like so many other Democrats and so many other Republicans, she spends precious time casting blame when she could be working towards solutions. I bring something different, and with your help, look forward to the chance to demonstrate that as a member of the House of Representatives. -JW
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:16:25 +0000

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