The Black Matrix: A Perception Management Program to Control Black - TopicsExpress


The Black Matrix: A Perception Management Program to Control Black People Im going to share something with you that may at first sound ridiculous, but the further you read the more rationale its going to become. We; Black people, are now slave within a prison we cannot see, smell, nor touch. It is a psychological prison for the Black mind. Because this disclosure is outside the realm of a conventional prison it may therefore sound incredibly unbelievable. However psychological prison deployed through psychosocial perception management programs are very real. It is a true science that is commonly used by the white ruling elites. They have deeply researched it, perfected it and routinely uses it against targeted Black populations. Have you ever noticed that most often when we’re given information, regardless of its subject—whether it’s an evening news report about health, crime, or educational statistics and disparities --- we consistently find that everything presented as being correct or good is usual connected to white people and white culture, while to contrary, most things negative, bad or being marginalized are connected to being Black? Be honest did you begin to think that these deplorable depictions given was because there is something inherently wrong with we Black people? If you believed this thats precisely what you where suppose to believe. However, the present despairing state of Black America-- as depicted within the white controlled media-- is neither a baffling phenomenon nor the result of some innate Black racial deficiency, but is rather instead the result of a modern racist system. A system fueled by the White elite’s proclivity for routinely reinventing devious suppressive systems against the advancement its Black population as a means of ensuring the continuance of its white dominance and control. Although today most African Americans do not experience white racism the way their parents experienced it, they do, however, still experience it. The United States media’s constant racially devaluing depictions and distorted portrayal of its Black population, that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality, is actually a carefully crafted, deliberately designed Black debasing (psychological warfare) program. Presently America’s Black population are victims of the most ostentatious perception management program in history. This covert program subjects African Americans to seeing only fraudulent worse within themselves as a means of instilling the myth of white superiority (and Black inferiority) within the collective Black psyche. This contemporary racist system disseminates false Black racially devaluing misinformation that marginalizes the Black brand while exemplifying the white brand. A massive ideological subversion program of wherein which Black populations are being made to see themselves through mortifyingly lens secretly assigned to them by white mass manipulation experts. It is deplored like a massive domestic media marketing campaign that circulates Black demeaning propaganda TV documentaries and fake news reports that are designed to frame the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and intellectual superiority over its Black population.This program uses the national media’s proven mass manipulating capabilities to adversely shape the minds and collective perceptions of its targeted black populations as a means of maintaining white dominance and control. Its deplorable depictions of its Black population are purposefully designed to produces feelings of collective self hate and disunity among its Black population-while implying that they should trust and respect only whites. It also reinforces seemingly pre-conditioned responses of resentment and prejudicial images of Black people in the majority population, thereby creating a false impression of wanton Black criminality and violence. This creates conditioned responses in its population for eventualities to unfold against its targeted Black populous without opposition or resentment. Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up media driven perception management programs made to push a government agenda. Perception Management programs uses propaganda as a form of communication to purposefully persuade and/or influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of a community, population, or specified target audiences for ideological, and/or political purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels. The practice of perception management has been used for several decades as a propaganda strategy for controlling public perceptions. It combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations. These perception management programs where refined by US intelligence services as they used them to manipulate foreign populations, but it eventually made its way into domestic usages as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Beginning in the 1950s, more than 800 news and public information organizations and individuals carried out assignments to manage the publics perception of the CIA, according to the New York Times. By the mid-80s, CIA Director William Casey had taken the practice to the next level: an organized, covert public diplomacy apparatus designed to sell a governmental objective. The U.S. white elite’s have a extensive history of implementing racist systems against its Black population to protect its white dominance. When the past, blatant methods used for maintaining white dominance had become morally and socially unacceptable, such practices were never truly abandoned. These practices where instead modified into a more stealthier designed system using perception management and psychological warfare programs. It is a contemporary racist system that is practiced by the global white elites that provides a more socially acceptable and covert method for maintaining white dominance. This practice is in fact is not new at all. Western Governments have an extensive history of using perception management programs to manipulate public opinion and to influence the perceptions of targeted groups. Throughout western history empires that maintain power have done so by manipulating the people that they are trying to conquer. They go out of their way to make sure that the people that they’re attempting to conquer are perpetually misled and manipulated. Therefore the conquered group’s perception of reality is not their own. It is shrewdly imposed upon them without them even knowing it. Currently this heinous tradition still continues especially against many Black populations. In The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter Godwin Woodson, it states, If you can control a mans thinking, you dont have to worry about his actions. If you can determine what a man thinks, you do not have to worry about what he will do. If you can make a man believe that he is inferior, you dont have to compel him to seek an inferior status, he will do so without being told and if you can make a man believe that he is justly an outcast, you dont have to order him to the back door, he will go to the back door on his own and if there is no back door, the very nature of the man will demand that you build one. These words written nearly eighty years ago not only still rings true, but they are also the core basic principle foundation behind this psychosocial program targeting the U.S. Black population. Within the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) doctrines of Psychological warfare its states that in order to maintain dominance and control over a targeted group that the groups aggressions must be turned inward against themselves. Simply stated; the group must be made to hate themselves. And to accomplish this goal the targeted group must be made to believe that their problem is with themselves. This is precisely what is being done to Black people by the white controlled medias constant deplorable racially devaluing depictions of their group. It depicts the endemic problems of Black America as being rooted primarily with Blacks themselves, instead of emanating from white preferential social inequalities. This is intentionally designed to adversely manipulates and shapes the minds and collective perceptions of the Black population, breaks down their sense of racial unity and allegiance, molds the character of self-hatred, and engenders self-doubt, self-loathing, and division among their group hence weakening their ranks. It produces internalized feelings of self-contemptuous responses within the targeted Black population that hinders their (Black) unity, upward mobility and manipulates them to accept white dominance over their lives. This massive manipulation/perception management program is at the core of the feeling of self- contempt that many African Americans now experience as well as the feelings of superiority that many whites possess. The commonly shared sentiment held by many Black people that they are now themselves their own worst enemy is not a strange phenomenon; it is a deliberately designed racially self-hating misperception that have been shrewdly imposed upon their collective conscious without them even knowing it. What is also being done, by applying these negative brands upon Black populations, is that our group is being made to look like we are part of a treacherous, frightening, and insane fringe. This process is known as group character assassination”. It is designed to facilitate a consensual national setting that justifies Black mistreatment. When groups in power want to suppress or to exploit its minority group they do so by portraying that group as a fearsome enemy or a major problem of the society through lies and manufactured news items. The white media’s nightly newscast constantly negative depictions of Black people is also designed to create a shift of victimization in behalf of whites that lessons pressures for social changes in behalf of Blacks. This engenders increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, attempts to discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites, lessens pressure for social change on behalf of Blacks, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. This mass manipulation program reinforces seemingly pre-conditioned response of resentment and prejudicial images of Black people in the majority population, thereby creating a false impression of wanton Black criminality and violence. This is important to the Government, because it creates conditioned responses in a population for eventualities to unfold without opposition or resentment. Thereby facilitating the national consentient for Black mistreatment such as seen within the criminal justice system where in which Blacks are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes mostly ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. This is what propaganda experts refer to as socially engineered consent (to mistreat). The effects of this program are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also affects attitudes that, when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. The brilliance of this system is that it occurs in the space between obvious racism and non-racism. Most of its Black victims have never heard of this method of asserting White racism, therefore many find it too difficult to envision. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. Unfortunately, to the detriment of many of its Black victims, this mass manipulation system has caused many to believe that the greatest problem they face as a people are “themselves”. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of its Black victims may have difficulty in extricating themselves from its detrimental effects. An excerpt from the Book The Black Matrix by F. Jones (c) 2006, revised 2008, 2012 To learn more please order your copy at theblackpeoplematrix
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:16:40 +0000

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