The GOP is no longer the Party of Lincoln. I woke up to realizing - TopicsExpress


The GOP is no longer the Party of Lincoln. I woke up to realizing the GOP had actually left me. I do not believe in GOP ideology worship. Ideology is frozen mindedness which is not thinking, which means re-thinking if we are really thinking. It means totalitarian ideologies based on status quo wealth and special interests, such as Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Ministries who gather people and money by playing they are right by making others wrong, the NRA, Grover Norquists pledge of allegiance, the military industrial complex and legions of GOP donors/owners. Ideologies do not allow deliberation and debate to be a real democracy. Ideologies are a synonym of idols, and the worship of idols. Most important, ideology worship blocks loving God with our minds. And, ideologies formed into a golden calf for political money and power block any communication of how we are really right or whats right.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 23:46:48 +0000

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