The Illuminati’s “secret knowledge” of human creation, which - TopicsExpress


The Illuminati’s “secret knowledge” of human creation, which defies both creationist and evolutionary theories, is bound up in the tale of the Anunnaki, who according to recently uncovered Sumerian clay tablets arrived around 6000 BC in Sumeria from planet Nubira. A growing number of researchers led by Zechariah Sitchin say the Annunaki bred human slaves known in the Hebrew bible as Adamu and in English as Earthlings to mine gold necessary to patch up a hole in Nubira’s ozone layer which was caused by a collision with another planet. One Anunnaki leader was named Nazi. The alien gods who created “Adam” called their Mesopotamian colony E.DIN. They traveled the world in search of gold, which NASA scientists agree would be the best patch for our own ozone problem. Scientists have discovered mining operations going back as far as 100,000 BC in Africa, South and Central America. The Adamus who left Eden became gold mining slaves and their worldwide deployment may explain the many holes in evolutionary and anthropological theories of the day. It may also explain phenomena such as the Nazca Lines in Peru and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Adam and his descendants became slaves to these Lords. The biblical Hebrew term avod which is commonly translated “worship” actually means “work”. Adam and the biblical characters were not worshiping God, they were working for him as slaves. And “God” may connote the Anunnaki invaders. The Sumerian tablets provide an intriguing explanation as to why man settled into agriculture in Mesopotamia from the much easier and more sustainable practice of hunting and gathering. The tablets state simply that the Annunaki gods made them do it. Cities grew and the Annunaki placed one of its god/human hybrids in charge of each new urban center. These rulers became Kings, their dynastic right to rule based on bloodlines to the Anunnaki. The first such king was Cush, who was Noah’s grandson and the father of Nimrod. Some researchers believe Yahweh was actually Annunaki earth mission commander Enli, who was a brutal tyrant. Abraham, who all major religions claim as their patriarch, may have also been an Anunnaki hybrid. The secret knowledge Abraham purveyed serves as the basis for all modern secret societies, from Freemasonry to Cabala to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:04:58 +0000

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