The Lynching of George Zimmerman BY CAROLINE VISSER / ON JULY 18, - TopicsExpress


The Lynching of George Zimmerman BY CAROLINE VISSER / ON JULY 18, 2013 Getting out of the car against the advice of a 911 dispatcher: stupid, but not criminal. Following the suspicious person you called police about: reckless AND stupid, but not criminal. Killing the assailant in self-defense when he turns on you and starts bashing your skull against the pavement: tragic, but not criminal. The jury in the Zimmerman trial had no choice but acquittal because there was no criminal wrongdoing. (Reckless stupidity is not currently an indictable offense in Florida.) The duty of a jury is to apply the rule of law to the facts they are presented with, not to serve Zimmerman’s head on a platter to appease the angry mob. But the angry mob is crying out for blood. What they thirst for is not justice, but revenge. Until George Zimmerman, the sacrificial lamb, is thrown to the wolves so they may satisfy their blood lust, there will be no peace. What should have been a matter of justice has become a race hustler’s feeding frenzy. Applying the rule of law after evaluating the factual evidence is justice. Claiming that justice has been denied because they do not like the ruling shows that vengeance, not justice, is what they seek. That the documented facts do not support allegations of racial profiling means nothing. The false narratives promulgated by the media, spewing claims of racial profiling in an endless cine loop, is meant to indoctrinate the public, which will eventually accept this version as fact. As the public is misled and manipulated by the media, justice is trumped by a manufactured civil rights crisis. Truth be dammed, for Zimmerman will be sacrificed on the altar of public opinion, despite the jury ‘s decision. As part of the media manipulation campaign, Zimmerman’s “whiteness” has been exploited, as though his Caucasian heritage makes him inherently guilty. By labeling him a “self identified Hispanic” and a “white Hispanic” his Hispanic heritage is both grudgingly acknowledged as well as diminished. Imagine if president Obama had been referred to as a “self identified African American” or a “white African American”. It sounds as deprecating as it is disingenuous. Media pundits such as Juan Williams grudgingly acknowledge that the jury’s decision is correct, yet decry the lack of compassion it demonstrates. How do you put a compassionate spin on a verdict when the only two options are guilty or not guilty? A jury is expected to be impartial and unbiased, and not allow emotion to cloud their judgment as they evaluate the facts of a case. By design, compassion and emotion have no place in a fair and objective trial. After all, isn’t bias in favor of one party a bias AGAINST the other? The average person who is angry about the outcome of this trial is angry because they have been led to believe that George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin because he was black. When the 911 dispatcher asked Zimmerman whether Martin was white, black or Hispanic, Zimmerman responded, “He looks black”, as though there were an element of doubt. Zimmerman did not profile Martin because he was black; he profiled him because he was a community watch volunteer whose duty it was to profile ANYONE in his neighborhood who he did not recognize. The racial profiling sentiment seems to prevail despite factual evidence to the contrary. In fact, NBC deliberately altered the 911 recording to portray Zimmerman as a racist. Had the network researched the situation before embarking upon their smear campaign, they would have discovered that Zimmerman was not a bigot. On the contrary, Zimmerman displayed an extraordinary degree of fellowship with and support for the black community. He dated an African American, donated his time to tutor African American kids, and he launched a campaign to help a homeless black man who had been beaten up by a white kid. As a registered Democrat, Zimmerman ardently supported the campaign of Barrack Obama. There is no evidence of overt or even covert racism. Yet, the justice department has set up a special email account to solicit tips from the public about anything Zimmerman may have said or done which could be construed as racist. When did a post trial witch hunt become part of due process? Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Obama remains mute while the Justice Department and the mainstream media fan the flames of a racial conflagration. Lies and manipulations continue to incite wilding among feral Democrats. That this firestorm is predicated entirely upon lies leaves little hope that racial relations can be repaired any time soon. In the meantime, there will have been several murders of anonymous black children in Chicago who are no less worthy of this level of outrage, and yet sadly they are ignored because their murders don’t serve to advance the cause of the race hustlers whose power and privilege is derived from exploiting racial divisions.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:55:57 +0000

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