The Miracle of Georgie Carter In the summer of 1941, Georgie - TopicsExpress


The Miracle of Georgie Carter In the summer of 1941, Georgie turned twenty eight years of age, but had been bedridden for nearly all of the last nine years. She was so weak with tuberculosis, that she couldnt use a bedpan and had wasted away to become just skin and bones. However, she had been reading a booklet by William Branham entitled, Jesus Christ, the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever and was desperate for him to come and pray for her. When Brother Branham first met Georgie, she weighed only 50 pounds and could barely whisper. He told her that if they prayed together and if she promised she would serve the Lord all her life, he believed she would get well. Two weeks later he was deep in prayer in the woods until after dark, when suddenly, an amber light shone down upon him and a deep voice resonated, Go by the way of Carters and Georgie will be healed. He immediately made his way by car over the eight miles of dirt roads to Milltown, IN., where Georgie Carter lay at her parents home. That day she had cried herself to state of complete exhaustion, all the while asking God to heal her. Her mother was deeply distressed, not only because her daughter lay near death, but because she thought William Branham was claiming to be something he was not and had got her daughter worked up and confused. Mrs. Carter was a God fearing woman and was in prayer as the evening came on when suddenly she noticed a mans shadow moving down the kitchen wall. As it moved nearer, it appeared to her to be the shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ. The shadow seemed to look toward the door and Mrs. Carter was startled to see the likeness of a man walk through the door. From his photo, she knew it was that imposter Branham. She ran to tell her daughter and as she did, a car pulled up outside and moments later, the real William Branham walked though her front door, Bible clutched to his chest. Mrs. Carter fainted to the floor. As Brother Branham had mounted the steps to the porch, his spirit strangely seemed to leave his body and he watched himself enter the house and move to Georgie Carters bedside. Then his spirit and body came together and he said to the pitiful young woman, Sister Georgie, the Lord Jesus Christ whom you have loved and trusted, met me in the woods and told me you would be made well. Therefore, I take you by the hand in the Name of Jesus Christ. Stand to your feet and be made whole. Georgie screamed as a supernatural power coursed through her body and she leaped from her sick bed. Her younger sister ran into the room to investigate the commotion but the sight of Georgie dancing around the room was too much and she also screamed and ran through the open front door into the yard. Mr. Carter, hearing the outbursts, rushed from the barn fearing the worst but stopped in the doorway in utter amazement to find Georgie seated at the piano and beginning to play a hymn that she had learned as a little girl. Georgie Carter became the piano player for the local Milltown Baptist Church and lived until her eighty-fifth year, falling asleep in Christ on March 22, 1998.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:23:32 +0000

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