The O in The HOPE Atrium stands for opportunity. In the past - TopicsExpress


The O in The HOPE Atrium stands for opportunity. In the past few weeks we have been working at creating opportunities for less privileged children in our localities to have access to some of the experiences that would enable them to succeed in school and in later life. It has been known for many years that some children - particularly those of African Caribbean backgrounds, underachieve in education. Statistics for attainment at GCSEs in 2010, indicated that 22% fewer African Caribbean boys attained 5 A* -C GCSEs. Without GCSEs in Maths, English and three other subjects, young people find that many doors are closed to them and their choices are greatly reduced. Low attainment at GCSE did not just happen overnight. In many instances it is the outcome of a number of other actions and experiences. One of the factors that contributes to the gap is the learning loss that takes place over the summer holidays. When children spend the holidays in weeks of play, watching TV, playing video games etc. the lose many of the skills the had gained just prior to the start of the Summer holidays. There is evidence that children who have the opportunity to read, engage in stimulating conversation and to practice maths skills do not fall back - sometimes they even go forward - widening the gap even further! This year we are, once again, offering the GET AHEAD summer programme to help children from 5 - 12 to regain and maintain their their mental fitness.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:45:58 +0000

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