The PATRICK-PERSPECTIVE!! #01: WEDNESDAY, December, - TopicsExpress


The PATRICK-PERSPECTIVE!! #01: WEDNESDAY, December, 31,2014 AMERICA THE GREAT HAS FALLEN!: HOW MEXICO SUCCESSFULLY DEFEATED & RE-CAPTURED AMERICA! derrickbowsdown2yhwh.blogspot/…/america-great-ha… WARNING: THIS IS NOT A RACISTS POST! However the topic will lead people to anger! This is not its intent: Now, you have to LOVE the HISPANIC community, their culture, their love, their people in general! For like their brothers, the AFRICAN AMERICANS, they have struggled through slavery at the hands of their oppressors too! HOWEVER, UNLIKE their African brothers, or their NATIVE AMERICAN brothers, they have not lost their identities, their culture was not bred out of them! And when their WHITE oppressors raped, killed and STOLE their resources as they did in AFRICA and in AMERICA! THEY had a plan! To eventually RETAKE what is theirs! Yep, these proud Mexicans and Hispanics everywhere use SUN TZUS the ART OF WAR against the big bad GRINGO WOLF known as: AMERICA THE GREAT! Sun Tzu says, when your enemy is STRONG appear DISORGANIZED: dis·or·gan·ized disˈôrɡəˌnīzd/ adjective adjective: disorganized; adjective: disorganised not properly ((planned and controlled.)) synonyms: disorderly, disordered, unorganized, jumbled, muddled, untidy, messy, chaotic, topsy-turvy, haphazard, ragtag; More in disorder, in disarray, in a mess, in a muddle, in a shambles, shambolic (of a person) unable to plan ones activities efficiently. America assumed like the BROKEN NEGRO, that Mexicans big smiles, and bowing was synonymous to the Negroes STEP-N-FETCH-IT routines of submission! OH NO! This was the TRICK! For unlike the ANGRY BLACK MILITANT who foolishly thinks that through their BLACK ACTIVISM anarchy, they would conquer America to create change, the smiling Mexican knows that to conquer a STRONGER enemy, you must APPEAR weak to lull them into dropping their guards therefore, you can infiltrate them from WITHIN and use their strength, i.e. democracy or the democratic process against them! FAST FORWARD: SO what has happened? It is estimated that approximately 6 to 10 million ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED workers, are now in America! YIKES! NOW could you imagine 10 MILLION America hating MUSLIMS from AL-QAEDA or I.S.I.S. hiding in this country? WOW! Yet, because of GREED, America believes these so-called lazy smiling Mexicans will be so HAPPY to become citizens that they will just remain ignorant and smiling and passive like the Assimilated WEAVE WEARING or in-fighting Negro! OH HELL NO! WHEN OBAMA and America approves citizenship for these 6 to 10 million NEW VOTERS! THE TABLES WILL TURN and the smiling giant will ATTACK! ALL WITHOUT FIRING ONE SHOT! AMERICA will fall! For there is no need to FIGHT A WAR and take the spoils of war from your enemy when your enemy openly invites you to confiscate his goods and services willingly! White America be warned! You will not LOOK at ROSITA your maid as a lowly servant like you did MABEL the Aunt Jemimah slave who breast fed your kids! NOPE! RUSSIA & CHINA tried to infiltrate America with spies, Mexico has found a better way! They are making new AMERICAN SPIES! We all see how many children they are BREEDING! WHILE AFRICAN AMERICAN former slaves are ABORTING their future Generals, military minds doctors, lawyers and future leaders, The HISPANICS are BREEDING like RABBITS! JUST go into a WAL-MART and see how many Hispanic darn kids are running around the store! THIS is how you conquer a nation from within! This is what MUSLIMS, RUSSIA, CHINA AND even here in America specifically what BLACK MILITANTS have not learned! That is, you dont need military might to conquer America or any Democracy! Just smile, and appear weak and they will treat you like a SICK PUPPY and take you into their world willingly and will go to sleep with you, their enemy, standing over them with a democratic knife at their throats!- The PATRICK-PERSPECTIVE 2014
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:20:12 +0000

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