The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword The Saudi autocratic ruling - TopicsExpress


The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword The Saudi autocratic ruling royals and their draconian religious judicial system continue to prove that they are incapable of governing peacefully. Their severe and lengthy sentencing of two prominent democracy promoters and human rights activists Mohammed Fahd al-Qahtani and Abdullah Hamad on March 9, 2013 is indicative of the system’s anti-peaceful political reforms and social justice nature. Instead of responding to their repressed citizens’ demands for emancipation from political and religious totalitarianism, the Saudi ruling elites continue to silence the voices of reason. At a time when most Arabs are revolting against draconian ruling methods and practices of repressive and corrupt regimes, the Saudi monarchy is strengthening its grip on power. As exemplified by the system’s unnecessary, unjustified and punishing sentencing of Al-Qahtani and Hamad, two enlightened patriot founding members of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association, the system is determined to continue a policy that will force the population to resort to violence to obtain their political rights. In recent years, the Saudi people are becoming increasingly bold in challenging the Saudi royals’ heavy-handedness, corruption and legitimacy. Examples of people’s demands and defiance are taking place all over the country. Religious minorities in the oil rich eastern Saudi Arabia are demonstrating against their government’s discriminatory policies toward them and in the process some of them get killed by the State’s ruthless security apparatus. Families and supporters of prisoners, including women and children, are demonstrating in Central Saudi Arabia, the bastion of the Saudi regime’s and its religious establishment’s power-base. Instead of trying or releasing their loved ones, the ubiquitous system’s security personnel collected them and threw them in prison because all forms of peaceful expressions are banned in the Saudi Kingdom. Female college students in Asir, the lush Southern Region, are demonstrating violently against the government’s corruption, neglect and abuses by the educational system and its discriminatory policies against women. The monarchy’s responses to people’s legitimate demands consist of violence, handouts and window dressing steps which most Saudi males and females don’t take seriously or hold high hopes that things will change peacefully. Instead of living in an incredible and indecipherable denial, the Saudi rulers, especially their educated men and women offspring, ought to look across their borders and see that it’s only a matter of time before their people resort to the only option that was available to other Arabs, violence.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:20:21 +0000

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