The Philippines has the highest Asean unemployment rate at 7.3 - TopicsExpress


The Philippines has the highest Asean unemployment rate at 7.3 percent, and it’s not a number you want to add to. According to career experts, you shouldn’t quit unless you have a new job lined up. But if you notice more and more of these signs in your work life, it’s time to open up JobStreet or LinkedIn and search for a new position: You’re miserable. We’re not saying you should be 100% happy about your job all the time, but if you wake up in the morning and dread going to work more often than not, start looking for employment opportunities elsewhere. “Hating your job can lead to stress that affects family relationships, your health, and your entire outlook,” says Susan Heathfield, the guide to human resources for About. “Wallowing in negative feelings every day will eventually kill you.” You don’t fit in. It always takes some time to adjust to a new job in a new company. But if a year has passed and you still don’t feel like you fit in with your bosses and co-workers, it might be time to leave. It’s more than not being able to make friends at work: the danger lies in not being able to find a superior that can mentor you and help you grow. Your health is suffering. No job is worth your health. Job stress can contribute to heart disease and depression. “Chronic job strain can put both your physical and emotional health at risk,” says Paul J. Rosch, MD, the president of the American Institute of Stress. Work-related stress can negatively affect your mental and physical health. Take special note of chronic back pain, headaches or intestinal issues that you develop while on the job — your body might be telling you to quit. Low pay. We’d all like jobs that pay six figures a month, but unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Nevertheless, you should be getting the pay that you deserve. If you think you’re underpaid, do some research on your market value and negotiate a raise with your current job while also looking for another position with a higher offer. If the economy and business are both doing well and you’ve been exceeding your targets but you don’t see any raises at your current company in sight, look for a company that will value you more. You’re bored. A lot of us do the same job day in day out, but if you’re so bored by your job that it’s affecting the quality of your work, maybe it’s time to think about changing jobs. When you’ve outgrown your position and you’re stagnating in your company, ask for a change of position or look for better employment opportunities — otherwise, you’re limiting your own potential. Your boss is terrible. If your boss is verbally abusive, incompetent, demanding — basically, the boss from hell — and you can’t take it any more, it’s time to get a new gig. However, before you quit altogether, see if you can repair your relationship with your boss first. Communicate with him or her the ways that you feel they’re mistreating you, and they might take your advice on board and improve their behaviour in the future. This won’t always work, though; judge for yourself whether you can still salvage the relationship, or if you should just jump ship. Either way, make sure you’re on good professional terms, even when you leave: if you burn your bridges, your future employers will see it as a red flag. Your skills are going unused. You might be overqualified for your position, meaning you have a lot of skills that the company doesn’t tap, and you start to feel restless. If you can’t get a promotion at your current company that will better make use of your skills, start researching for a position at another company where you can perform to your potential. Your company has no future. If you don’t know where your company is going to be a year from now, you should get out while you can. Your company might be downsizing frantically, or losing a lot of money, or the whole industry might be sinking. If you notice the warning signs, start looking for a new position at more stable company. No work/life balance. Have you heard of the American CEO who quit his $100 million dollar a year job when his daughter gave him a list of milestones he’d missed because he was working, like her first day of school and her first soccer game? Work/life balance is a real concern for everyone. If you’ve been spending less and less time with your family because you’re spending 90 hours a week at work, you should look for employment that will let you have a better work/life balance. Your workplace is abusive, or there are illegal actions happening. If you notice or experience any harassment, violations of ethics, or anything that makes you uncomfortable, start looking for other jobs even as you address these issues with your current company. A better offer comes along. This is probably the best reason to quit your job. If you get a job offer that pays better, has more reasonable hours, is more stable, lets you have a good work/life balance, or basically addresses issues you may have with your current job, you should quit and take the offer.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:14:52 +0000

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