The Prime Minister of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - TopicsExpress


The Prime Minister of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed today on the i24news network and referred to the anticipated votes in the French parliament on recognizing a Palestinian state: Of course Im worried about this because what theyre voting on is Palestine without peace. Thats what the Palestinians want. They want to have a state to continue, not to end the war, with Israel but to continue the war from improved boundaries. Thats all theyre saying. Look at what has happened. Every time we gave territory to the Palestinians, for example in Gaza, Iran walked in with its Palestinian proxies, fired thousands of rockets on our cities. Does anyone in Paris talk about this? This is what they have to do now when the world is exploding? When Islamist fires are sweeping throughout the Middle East? When every place that we vacate becomes a bastion for militant Islam and for Iran? This is what is going to produce peace?!? To ask Israel to put the suburbs of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in the hands of Islamic militants? This is irresponsible. Its not conducive to peace. In fact, it hardens the Palestinian positions because it tells them, you get a state – which will be used to attack Israel – you dont have to give anything. I think this is a terribly misguided position, terribly misguided position. You know, we dont come out and say what countries or what regions of France should be independent. We dont talk about that, nor do we talk about Spain nor do we talk about every European country, but this is what happens right now when the entire world is aflame, when the Middle East is aflame, when Israel – the only democracy – is standing with France and with Europe to fight the Islamist fires and they say, No, well, bring, give the Palestinian who are lining up with the Islamists, who are supporting Hamas, who are glorifying these murders in synagogues as heroes, give them a state – without peace. You think thats responsible? I think its irresponsible and wrong.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:44:56 +0000

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