The Terror Times have never left us,fourteen years into the new - TopicsExpress


The Terror Times have never left us,fourteen years into the new century and this one looks to be even more bloody than the last one.The sooner Scotland is able to remove itself from these knee jerk responses to America the better.Terrorism thrives where people are denied basic human rights and the sooner we really take that on board the more peace there will be in this fallen and troubled world of ours,the planet does not belong to us, we belong to the planet, the land does not belong to us, we belong to the land,wealth and finances are a means for people not an end in themselves, our own human greed is choking us to death,when will we ever learn just to love one another,love of course, real love is hard,but we have to learn its lessons and let grace and truth and right and honour unite us all.Hatred and bitterness never solve anything and bombing from thirty thousand feet is not an exact science,many innocent lives are going to be destroyed, families torn apart, communities destroyed,infrastructure ruined, good government despoiled.Iraq was an illegal war,this bombing campaign is compounding and widening the problem,there is a new and far worse World War waiting in the wings of time waiting to make its entrance on the world stage and the audience is filing in, there are more than twitches in the curtains,and the Scots will be among the first to die.put a short moustache on Cameron, change his hairstyle,the cosmetic changes will help to cast him in a new light.I am incandescent with rage over this bombing campaign for it will I feel inevitably lead to boots on the ground and more people will be killed, more countries drawn into the conflict,international aid agences stretched beyond their limits and a new bigger and far more threatening darkness thrust upon the world.I beg all of you to resist this campaign of terror.Scotland Yet t
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:07:05 +0000

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