The Two Partisan Rebellions of Today, and the Three Parties: - TopicsExpress


The Two Partisan Rebellions of Today, and the Three Parties: Republican, Democrat, and Establishment Very interesting and thought-provoking piece by a relatively new contributor to Breitbart News. ~cj Excerpt and link below. Photo from Virgil via Breitbart News. The Two Partisan Rebellions of Today, and the Three Parties: Republican, Democrat, and Establishment In the first installment, we observed the ongoing rebellion against the established leadership of both parties. As Sen. Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, told The Weekly Standard recently, I’m convinced we’re seeing a new paradigm in American politics. We’ve seen what happens when America’s grassroots rise up and demand their elected officials do the right thing... The real divide in American politics isn’t between Republican and Democrat--it’s between the people and the entrenched politicians in Washington, D.C. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) would seem to agree; he speculated earlier this month that we are seeing “the end of traditional power.” That is, the end of the ability of political leadership to automatically command popular followership. So yes, it’s a bipartisan phenomenon: The rabble has been roused. Mutiny is in the air. The populists have grabbed their pitchforks--and their PDAs. Meanwhile, of course, Barack Obama’s presidential authority is eroding--or, rather, disappearing. And don’t take my word for it; take the word of The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd. She’s a certified member of the DC courtier class, and yet on September 18, in the wake of Obama’s tone-deaf speech in the aftermath of the Washington Navy Yard shooting, she wrote dismissively: Just as with the address to the nation on Syria last week, the president went ahead with a speech overtaken by events. It was out of joint... The man who connected so electrically and facilely in 2008, causing Americans to overlook his thin résumé, cannot seem to connect anymore... Obama is having trouble establishing trust outside with once reliable factions: grassroots Democrats and liberals in Congress. When you’re a Democratic President and you lose touch with Democrats and liberals--you have a problem. breitbart/Big-Government/2013/09/28/The-Two-Partisan-Rebellions-of-Today-and-the-Three-Parties-part-two
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:26:39 +0000

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