The U.S.Constitution wasnt based on the Bible, nor was it a - TopicsExpress


The U.S.Constitution wasnt based on the Bible, nor was it a primary source of wisdom for our current system of government. The thinking that fueled the American Revolution was rooted in the period of Enlightenment in Western society when Greek literature from Classical civilization found its way back from obscurity via the Muslim libraries of Spain after they were retaken from the Moors. Many of these works were preserved by Muslim scholars and contained the ideas for democracy and liberty that influenced the philosophers of that time such as John Locke and Montesquieu, who, in turn, impacted those who were influential in the formation of the U.S. government and its laws. Some ideas were also taken from Native American democracy which had existed here for hundreds of years prior to European settlement and were incorporated into our own system of government thanks to Benjamin Franklins dealing with the Iroquois. Stop claiming this is a Christian nation when it is clearly founded on ideas contrary to what are laid out in Scripture. The Bible encourages slavery, subservience to power, and glorifies a monarchical system of government.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:14:42 +0000

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