The USA is a Zionist Colony America is not an independent - TopicsExpress


The USA is a Zionist Colony America is not an independent country; it is slave to Zionist interests. The Zionist Mafia rules America; U.S. Presidents do not. Long before Americans get a chance to elect their members of Congress, every congressional aspirant must pass the loyalty test: they must pay homage to Israel. Candidates, whether running for the House of Representatives or the Senate, receive a letter from the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) demanding to know their position on issues affecting Israel. Most questions have to do with aid to Israel or with aggressive policies the Zionist State is pursuing against other countries such as Iran. If candidates are not 100% in support of Israel or the position outlined by AIPAC, they are targeted and vilified through a dirty smear campaign often leading to their defeat. Given the Israeli lobby’s stranglehold on the media and its propensity to indulge in smear campaigns, few candidates are able to resist such blackmailing. It is far easier to go along with AIPAC’s demands, however objectionable or repulsive, than face the barrage of unsubstantiated allegations when a candidate is in the midst of an election campaign. The Israel lobby is a well-healed machine that works 24/7 to advance Israel’s agenda. It acts on behalf of a foreign government, but it has not registered as an agent of a foreign government as required by US law. The Zionist entity is the largest recipient of US aid in the world; no other country comes close. This takes many forms: direct financial and military aid, project aid, aid for research, and other forms of subsidies. Add to that the myriad Jewish “charities” in the US that shovel billions of dollars into the bottomless pit and one can begin to form a composite picture of the parasitical nature of the Zionist entity. So why are members of Congress constantly required to emphasize the special relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv? A shadow government runs the entire country. Obama is nothing but a Zionist Corporation employee working for the AIPAC colony system of USA. (from Sander Milton, edited)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:18:02 +0000

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