The Way Out. Truth Freedom and Justice for All We, the - TopicsExpress


The Way Out. Truth Freedom and Justice for All We, the Sovereign people of Scotland, have had our rights subverted. In the Act of Union 1707, we had a union of the crowns not a subversion of one over the other, even this period in history was marred by scandal and skulduggery. The parchment having to be forced on us and taken under armed guard past the border as soon as it was signed. The union was supposed to be equal, but instead wasnt worth the hemp it was written on. We have always been under the yolk of the corporate city of London, a private sovereign state separate from the jurisdiction of Britain. The Queen has to be invited into the city as she has no jurisdiction nor owns that land. We as the people of Scotland are Sovereign just like the monarch is south of the border. Effectively we are all kings and queens. There is no higher authority in this land but the people. Not Parliament at Holyrood nor Westminster. At the time of the referendum the people were tricked into giving up their status as sovereign to be under the yolk of the city state of London by registering to vote, thereby stopping the majority of the people from having a voice. There is only one way and I mean one way of re-affirming our sovereignty and claiming ultimate control of our land and our childrens destinys forever. youtube/watch?v=ychGT4dslrU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Christine Grahame tells us how and why we are sovereign and how we correct this issue. The Declaration of Arbroath 1320 is probably the most important document in history next to the King James Bible. This document outlines our rights as sovereign people for a lawful (not legal) remedy, as it outlines in the declaration we have the inherent right to cast out any subverter’s of our rights, including the monarch be it King or Queen, and to retake our lawful rights to self determination and freedom for all. At this time we have had our rights subverted by Westminster, the judiciary and all governmental offices. The system that has built up around us is nothing more than a facade which operates under legal pretence which by all intensive purposes is the opposite to the law of the land (common law). In this legal structure we have lost all rights to freedom, property and liberty, whereas under the common law of this land all these freedoms are protected by the rule of law. What is the rule of law you may wonder? The scales of justice must be balanced with the facts of any case on one side and the law on the other. The law should always be on trial with the facts that the accused is to defend against. We have a serious problem with the legal system in this land, namely that it has no lawful remedy because we can never have a case of man v man in front of a jury of our peers. Instead we have acts of parliament that the jury cannot hear in a case and could otherwise nullify. This protection of the jury was vital to protect the peoples from unjust acts from parliament as the law could be found by the jury to be unjust on the peoples and thus struck out. This stopped government power from getting too tyrannical. The jury is the judge of the people, we have been hoodwinked into a commercial court system, where the game is rigged, and all parties but you are in on the scam. Even councils are private corporations set up to profit private shareholders that profit off peoples lawful property. They have everyone in Scotland declared legally dead. In order for us to re-assert our authority and sovereignty, we must cast out the subverter’s and replace them with good men & woman just like Iceland has done. Then and only then can we bring back the rule of law, protect life, liberty and property. These people have been selling off our lands and lochs to private hands unlawfully to pay a fictional debt which they forced us to use at interest that could never be paid because it is never in the game to settle the liability, thus ensuring perpetual slavery of the tribe of Scots peoples. Usury is the name of this scam and is a crime according to the bible, which the Queen swore to uphold. They have also denied us the humble hemp plant, thereby perpetrating one of the worst crimes known to us at this time, the prohibition of cannabis causes poverty, inequality, crime, disease and famine and death to name a few. This transfers vast wealth to the rich because we are forced to pay exorbitant prices for their oil, cotton, and pharmaceuticals, the hemp plant could eradicate their monopoly on the markets, prohibition is a crime of the highest nature. There is never any profit in cure. The Scots people have this remedy to rise up, rip up this fraudulent scam perpetrated to enslave us, and start a new chapter in our history, where we have the protection of each other and the law, where we cannot harm cheat or steal, breach the peace or commit fraud in our interactions with our fellow sovereigns. The Queen has been found guilty in her absence, at a court in Belgium, for genocide, child trafficking, satanic sacrifice amongst others, so have many world leaders including the last 2 popes, check for international warrants and info. She has also violated her coronation oath to god and his people, see, we also have evidence of vast racketeering by the establishment and government of asset stripping the people of this land, see Professor George Lees. The independence we thought we were voting for is nothing but a scam to lodge us back into the corporate state, we could never have independence without leaving the crown and the pound. See poll tax cheats and single occupancy investigations councils are now tracking down alleged debtors. It was also a psy-opp to show that we are subservient to our state masters. All councils are private corporations working for profit, they are only a council by name, and the revenue does not pay back into the public purse. Many people have been wrongly convicted of someone elses alleged debt, and these councils will bankrupt whole estates and pay private shareholders. These desperate people cannot get legal representation as its not profitable for lawyers to take these cases as they will be out of pocket by the vast public money these private corporations can use to make sure the victims never win , thus uncovering the scam. In a free independent Scotland we can stop illegal wars, chemical trails, institutional paedofiles and we can indict all criminals and place them before a grand jury of the people for the crimes of selling us down the river. We can turn this land into an edible paradise, cure cancer and other treatable ailments with raw foods and cannabis. We can start massive public work programmes building free energy technologies. We could have free food and fuel inside 2 years and open up holistic health centres to heal our bodies and cleanse and detox our systems. We can create an interest free currency like the Bradbury pound, that would create untold wealth, for our new shareholders of this state - we the people, and put a stop to corporate control of our country. We could cancel all unlawful mortgage contracts. This and more can be possible if we all unite and change the direction of our future. People must understand that there is only a handful of people pulling the strings. There are far more people wishing to be free from foodbanks, debt, war, scams, homelessness, murder, famine, lies, deceit, treachery, treason, conspiracy to enslave, poisoning of our foods, water, and land and all we need to do is acknowledge what they have done or failed to do to stop it. Put them out of power and run this country ourselves for one another, remember there is no such thing as fiction, we are only people having a bad experience at the hands of others. If you want to stay in this prison of control by a few, go back to sleep and never moan when your dying from their actions. If on the other hand your a true Scot or a true soul and believe in freedom for all who wishes to be free then stand up and do what it takes, the world will never have another chance. We can lead by example and show the rest of the world how to change. This world is not over populated, its just mismanaged - by international criminals. Lets show the world how to change - Scotland the Brave, not Scotland the slave.. https://facebook/events/293267824209953/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular Come to our meetings/events please and tell the rest of the tribe. :-)
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:13:08 +0000

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