The Word Will Sustain It is the spirit that quickeneth; the - TopicsExpress


The Word Will Sustain It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63 Today I would like to ask you to look with me at these verses found in Genesis 3:9 and Matthew 2:2. I find a great proclamation of a divine call from God and as well an appointed need for man. In Genesis we read this, “Where art thou”? And in Matthew, we find this, “Where is He”? Chapter tree of Genesis records the fall of mankind after the bidding of Satan through the use of the serpent. Eve surrendered to the very difficulties that we face today. That is, “lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life”. (1 John 2:16) Satan also tempted Christ with the same things in the wilderness at the end of 40 days of fasting when the body would be at its weakest point. (Luke 4:1-14) Satan will always move against you in weak moments! It is important to stay close to the Lord at all times lest we find ourselves open without protection. It is Satan’s plan and notion to tempt you and me when we are most vulnerable to our fleshly desires. We must always be on guard and find quality time alone with God. God has given us power (through the Holy Ghost), to use the Word of God like a sword, (Ephesians 6:17), that will cut asunder, (Hebrews 4:12), any thoughts that come against the Knowledge of the Truth. It is ever important to enlist the tools of God, the Armor of God that has been given to every believer. If we at any time lay aside the protection that stops every fiery dart, then we are wide open for a fall. Eve fell short of the mark when she entertained the thing that God had already made off limits. James 1:13-15, records the steps that lead us to failure, sin and death. We need to understand why God allowed this temptation in the first place. It was to initiate growth toward our perfection in Christ. God did not want us to fall nor did He set us up to do so! But rather allowed the temptation for us to establish our stand or failure. God’s plan for man to stand on HIS WORD and place complete TRUST in HIM was all we needed to be able to resist the devil. God’s Word is SUFFICENT! It will never leave us bewildered or unsure. But it is power to those who will embrace it with the fullness of the heart, mind and soul. Adam and Eve had the option to eat or not. The failure was birthed the moment they listened to another voice and interpretation of God’s Holy Word. Man’s wisdom will always fall short! We must take God at His Word! From the point of conception the domino effect was in place. Looking back to verse nine of Genesis 3, God asked this “Where art thou”? God knew that Adam had given into the temptation. He knew he was naked and hid from Him. Today, man is still doing the same things and Satan is still using the same tactics. I guess if it is not tore up don’t fix it. What a concept! Maybe we should just take God’s word the way he intended. I wonder if we will ever wake up. Reader, God made the first call to fallen man as we just read. What we need to do today is do as the wise men did in Matthew 2:2, and ask this, “Where is He”? If we will just humble ourselves and repent then will God hear us and respond. (2 Chronicles 7:14) God is faithful! He is just waiting on us. Remember, Matthew 7:7, “ask, seek and knock”. Pastor Tim
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:40:16 +0000

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