The bible say dat going 2 church alone does not qualify u as a - TopicsExpress


The bible say dat going 2 church alone does not qualify u as a righteous person,but if u go 2 church and practice wot de word of God says in ur everyday life,consider urself lucky as de kingdon of God is at ur hand.U cannot afford 2 please pipo everyday.Even though u may try in ur suffering and pain 2 please and help others,u are not obliged 2 do so by faith.However,u must try as much as possible in ur suffering and pain 2 please ur God everyday in everything u do by faith.God is de source of life.The begining and de end.He is de alpha and de omega of everything u admire in ur life.We all are bound 2 make mistakes and suffer at some point in life.If u do wot is pleasing 2 God,he wil convert ur life from suffering into everlasting happiness.My brothers and sisters,it doesnt matter how much u hav suffered in ur life,if u turn back 2 God,he wil make u a new creation regardless of ur present situation.Kneel down in prayer and give thanx 2 God,4 every time we praise and worship him,he adds life 2 our lives more abundantly.Wen we die,there is more and abundant life 2 those who do wot is right b4 God and do wot is pleasing 2 other pipo.The devil and his magic power wil always come 2 rob us of life but if u become more powerful in de things of God,ur life wil always be protected.No matter how de devil might want 2 play wif ur life,he wil neva succeed until he gets tired and given up.It is beta 2 hav de protection u dont need dan 2 need it wen u dont hav becoz de devil is at work in ur life every day and night.God is ur number one protection.Even wen u dont need him at all de times,always make sure 2 wake up wif him in prayer.Think about de pipo who are suffering 2dy becoz of various problems and yet u continue 2 live in denial of sin wen de God u dont consider 2 be useful is protecting u everyday from various dangers like sicknesses,accidents,witchcraft,evil spiritr,wars and many other things ur friends hav died of.God wants u 2 live long,have abundant life and be fruitful.U wil cut ur life short wen u want 2 become a star and practice de things of de world withot having reverance 4 de word of God.Remember it is only life dat comes once.U can lose everything in life but wif time,u can recover wot eva u hav lost.Once u die,u are gone.Wif time,u wil rot in ur grave and neva 2 come back again.God promised 2 renew our life each and every time we repent our sins and become frutiful creations of de earth.Others wud hav loved 2 buy life but dey are dead or sick in hospital.God gave u dis life so dat u may honour and give him thanx.Always remember dat life is more important dan any other creation of de earth and do not pretend u dont want 2 live wen u see life 2 be more prescious.The bible says dat as long as u remain under de spell of evil,ur eyes wil remain closed until something bad happens 2 u.Wen u are enjoying life,u dont see de bad side of it until wen ur life turns miserable.It takes only one dangerous thing 2 open ur eyes.Dont let ur actions 2dy make u regrete life 2mrow.The sins u are commiting,ur friends hav tried and dey are regreting and living in pain 2dy.Do not assume there is no danger wen u want 2 venture into evil activities.The end result of sin,is always danger and everlasting pain.There is more 2 life dan making urself a star of everything.Wot is here 2 dy,was there yesterday and wil be there 2mrw and wen u are dead,others wil stil find dem entertaining.Be thankful wen u wake up and see de lito thing God has given 2 u.I pray dat God must erase every account of sin u hav commited and give u a new life 2dy.I prophesy a new generation without sin 2dy.Even though u consider urself old,u can become a new creation without sin.Be converted and live 2dy.Jesus is de way,de truth and de light.Thru him,ur life can neva be de same again.Recieve de power neva 2 live in sin again now and 4 eva in Jesus name." GOD DOES NOT LOOK AT YOUR SINS, WHEN HE WANTS TO CONVERT YOUR LIFE, HE LOOKS AT YOUR ABILITY TO REPENT AND BE RIGHTEOUS. ALWAYS THINK OF GOD WHEN YOUR LIFE IS IN TROUBLE " MARK CHAPTER 7
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 05:59:58 +0000

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