The coming of the Lord is so so nigh. Hes coming quickly... as a - TopicsExpress


The coming of the Lord is so so nigh. Hes coming quickly... as a thief in the night.. Yeah we may talk about it, or we think on it when were at church, but it makes me wonder how many truly believe that it is going to be a reality? Ready or not.... I said ready or NOT, My Lord is coming. Grab ahold of mercy TODAY...TODAY is the day of salvation.. TODAY is the day to get your eyes back on Jesus. Get your eyes off your storm. Get your eyes off the ones who have done you wrong. Get your eyes off of worldly pleasures. Set your affection on things above! What does it profit a man if he gains the world yet loses his soul? I can feel a hunger deep in my soul just for His Spirit in my life. Ive got to have Him. We are in the last days. Signs are coming to pass. The Bible is being fulfilled. But if you dont have that personal relationship and that fire kindled within, then your eyes are too blinded to see the truth. Your mind is too occupied on worldly things to even be alert of what is taking place... Oh I have such a burden. The stage is being set. The curtain is about to be drawn back. Satan is roaming to and fro seeking whom he might devour. Hes attacking families. Hes attacking minds...tormenting in the night and the day. Hes working hard to try to weaken the saints and to cause division... attempting to destroy the love and unity in the body of believers. That anti christ spirit is roaming around in the land...false prophets are everywhere you turn. And the sad thing is that the very elect are being deceived. So many have compromised and allowed things in the pulpit, in their own homes...parents not keeping watch over their children. Even the very ones who go and sit on the pew and lift their hand towards Heaven...they dont realize what their teenage daughters and sons are involved in. The filth that is so accessible. The music, the internet. I may only be 21 and may still yet have wisdom to obtain and experiences I need to go through, but my heart is burdened. Jesus is coming back for His Bride who has made herself ready! Weve got to get our houses in order. Enough of these foolish things. Speaking of things that dont even matter eternally. Living as if weve got all the time in the world. Going out and going into debt, craving more, which only leads to grief and a hunger for more more more. Our country has become a people who seek to please themselves. Looking out for themselves...Black Friday is an example of that. Oh I enjoy that day, but its such a sad thing to see of the selfishness that people have...No love. Wickedness. They go as far to curse others and some have even been killed. Wickedness is right in our back yard, yet we are so easy to forget and go on while Hell is enlarging itself! How much longer are we going to go through the motions? Talk the talk yet not walk the walk? Say we love our brother and sisters and say we will pray for them yet not stretch our hand to fulfill the need? Shout in church and say how much of a burden we have for the lost, yet how many souls do we pass up daily and fail to witness to them of the hope of Jesus Christ? The reason Im saying this is not to beat people over the head and to act as if Ive got a holier than thou attitude. Ive got my own shovel out and I am in the process of digging stuff up and out. I want my Lord to be pleased with me. Hes the One that Im going to stand before and give an account to. And if just one soul can catch on fire, a soul like YOU, imagine what will happen! We dont have to just imagine, though. It CAN happen. In these last days, I wanna be one who is going to stand on Gods Word! When that Trumpet sounds very soon and that sky is split open with Jesus rolling out on the clouds, I dont want to have fear and trying to run and hide because of knowing my soul isnt right with God. If I still have breath in my lungs, I wanna be one lifting up my hands and rejoicing knowing its finally time to go to my Home where I belong! My Home that Ive sang and testified and dreamed about! Heaven wont always be a dream! Hallelujah! So my question is..... and I ask this sincerely.... Whats holding you back? Why do you keep putting it off? What are your eyes on? What has your heart? Your mind? Anything that is put before God is an idol. Idolatry will not inherit the Kingdom of God.. This is a straight and narrow way. Not just anything can enter in. So Lord, help us to become more like Your Son. Give us strength to become that living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before You. Empty us of ourselves...our pride, selfishness, bitterness, our judgmental eyes... Fill us up with everything that You are. Give us love for our brothers and sisters. Restore unity among the brethren. Give us a burden for the lost.. oh God were asking for wisdom and knowledge of Your Word. Give us a greater Spirit of discernment to know what is of You and what is not. Give us that desire for Your Spirit. To hunger and thirst after righteousness.... Shake the young people of this day. Open their eyes. Shatter the darkness that the enemy is trying to surround them with! Oh Father do what only You can do! Pour out Your Spirit on the young and the old! Rekindle that fire within us and let it be spread throughout the land! Help us to know how to put our faith into actions and to expect Your hand to move when we come before You in prayer! Stir us up. Help Your people to take heed to Your Word. Bring us back to the heart of true worship. Teach us how to be prayer warriors and to tarry in the altars not just in the church house but when we are in our own homes. When we go to You in secret, You will reward us openly. Lord, just fix our eyes upon You. Let it be done, Father. Im asking this in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:15:53 +0000

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