The debate will rage on I am sure as people change their habits - TopicsExpress


The debate will rage on I am sure as people change their habits from food purchases that are GMOs to searching for non-GMO products to organic and beyond. While I do believe that our food market has been manipulated with all the additives and things put into the processed foods we all know one thing....that what is best for us grows on trees, in the ground, on a plant, on a vine or bush or walks on all fours. Moderation is the key to diet and its bottom line will always be the MATH of consumption vs. output. EATING CLEAN is key for those trying to achieve a body build or maintain a certain lifestyle. I have a few friends who live the lifestyle and have proof of it thru their photos. One has achieved a massive goal of where she wants to be body FAT percentage wise (and she was not in a fat mode to begin with). Another is a professional trainer and another a relative with a life history of action oriented activities that she still maintains today. Some people are afraid today of the foods treated (over treated) with chemicals, pesticides, insecticides etc and I understand that concern and use little to no chemicals in my garden and now my yard it seems. BUT......NATURAL means unaltered in any way and grown like a wild blackberry or from a seed. Seed is the beginning of it human, animal or plant life. If the SEED condition is altered in anyway it is modification like adding horns under the skin of a human would be. Growing a plant into a seedless plant (thus) not being able to gain new growth from the vegetable or fruit thru means of using the seeds out of the product, you have altered the DNA STRUCTURE OF THE PLANT. When MONSANTO became the big RAGE DEBATE.........there was also discussion as to why big corporate and conglomerates wanted to create seedless. Some said it was to control people being able to plant gardens and grow their own food. This may be so based on the AGENDA 21 PLAN which is very real. Others think it was for convenience esp. for people who cannot deal with seeds in their digestive system. Maybe its a little of each or more or less one or the other. However, LOGIC presents that seedless fruits and vegetables are genetically altered, just like if a human male has a vasectomy and can no longer spill their seed to produce another human being. Its in the encyclopedia that it is an alteration. However.....seedless is not necessarily harmful to folks...................just not reproductive
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 22:43:19 +0000

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