The defeat of the PEC 215 is a victory of the Brazilian - TopicsExpress


The defeat of the PEC 215 is a victory of the Brazilian society Friday, December 19, 2014 Read the ISAs institutional note on the proposed constitutional amendment 215/2000 Last Wednesday (17/12), the National Congress ended the year without legislative polls that the proposed constitutional amendment (PEC) 215/2000 has been adopted by the Special Commission that studied. With that, according to the rules of procedure of the Chamber, the Commission should be abolished and the PEC filed at the turn of the year. The imminent filing of the PEC is a historic victory of the Brazilian society. The PEC wanted to transfer from the federal Government to the legislature the prerogative to formalize indigenous lands, protected areas and territories Quilombolas, among other setbacks for environmental rights. If approved, it would mean, in practice, the definitive shutdown of the official processes of these protected areas, essential to ensuring the rights of indigenous and traditional populations; the conservation of threatened biomes, such as the Amazon and the Cerrado; and climate change mitigation. ISA would like to greet all peoples and indigenous organizations and traditional, in the figure of the articulation of indigenous peoples in Brazil (Apib) and coordination of Quilombola Communities (Conaq), by this fundamental achievement. This victory was only possible by a wide joint held between these entities and partners, such as ISA, the Indigenous Missionary Council (Cimi), the center of Cti (CTI), Greenpeace Brazil, WWF Brazil, the International Institute of education in Brazil (IEB), the drop in the ocean and the Ninja, among other Media organizations that engaged in this struggle. The ISA also welcomes and appreciates the parliamentarians who had a key role in the battle against the SGP: members Alessandro Molon (PT-RJ), Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ), Glauber Braga (PSB-RJ), Ivan Valente (PSOL-SP), Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ), Janete Capiberibe (PSB-AP), Jean Willys (PSOL-RJ), José Luiz Penna (PV-SP), Sarney Filho (PV-MA), father John (GB-MG), father Ton (PT-RO), perpetual Almeida (PCdoB-AC), among others. Greet also the Chairman of the Special Committee, Congressman Afonso Florence (PT-BA), ethical and impartial conduct of the proceedings of the PEC, which allowed the final result reflects the aspirations of Brazilian society. Despite the important victory against the SGP, the situation follows challenging for traditional and indigenous peoples and to all those who defend the environment. In 2015, the trend is to continue the attacks on rights of these populations and the Brazilian biodiversity, especially in Congress, including a possible attempt to unarchive the PEC or resurrect its content on another proposal. It is crucial that indigenous organizations, indigenous and environmentalists and all sectors of society remain United in defense of the Brazilian socio-environmental diversity and the Constitution..
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:19:01 +0000

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