The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you - TopicsExpress


The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it is permanent then its permanent. If you think youve reached your limits then you have. If you think you will never get well then you wont. You have to change your thinking. You need to see everything thats holding you back, every obstacle, every limitation as only temporary. -Joel Osteen In an ideal world, there would be no drama derived by negative reactions. People would understand the concept of taking responsibility and control of the force behind their way of thinking. It would be so much easier to be living in peace than in a life with those who either self destruct or purposely shit disturb. If everyone were to take responsibility of their actions and pull their equal weight for the greater good of society, what kind of a world would we be living in? Unrealistic to say the least because sadly, were used to living in a selfish world but again, if everyone can understand the concept of conscious choices, all issues would seize to exist in our society. We all know the toxic thinkers, the person with no self esteem, the one who always gets what they want, the over analyzer, the avoider, the person who always says they have bad luck etc. Every single one of these people become these types of people because of the way that they think. By being the avoider, they choose to not confront. By having no self esteem, they choose to think that they have no self worth. By being toxic, they think toxic. By over analyzing, they think about all conspiracies and possibilities. Every person is held responsible for the way that they choose to think. We can blame as many things and people that we want, but ultimately, its the thoughts that are derived from upstairs that make up the world that we live in. Understanding this concept can take time and once this is understood, it really becomes a huge game changer. To really comprehend the power we hold by taking control of our thoughts is really a life changer. Whatever is conceived in our thoughts is always an opportunity to be brought to life if it is applied to our everyday lives. When youre knee deep in a problem that seems tiresome and endless, who is responsible for making you feel that way? Yes I understand that circumstances can be inevitable, but you letting it affect you as badly as it does is the choice! If you were to look at it and decide to let it go instead of it taking over your mind, it would be easier to be happy than to feel sorry or angry or hurt. It is ok to feel this way, because yes we are human and we do have an ego, but once you realize that feeling sad and sorry for yourself and letting it ride out for x amount of time is always your choice. Its a lot to swallow because you can reflect back at your life and the many times you reacted negatively. We always say we hate drama, but we are to blame! Circumstances happen all the time, and most of them we have no control over. Once the ball is in our court, then the control is in our hands. I would urge you to think before you react and if you jump the gun in negativity, remember, you made that choice. Stop blaming your personality- it is all you. If you let ego react for you, youre the one who let it happen. Choices are all on us. When I finally realized this, my mind was blown and life has never been the same ever since. It truly is liberating to know that I was always in control. Take it, test it and watch your life change for the better. ❤️ Karen A. Baquiran
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 16:42:39 +0000

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