The fourth in a series of ablation. Well, it 4 p.m. Of the second - TopicsExpress


The fourth in a series of ablation. Well, it 4 p.m. Of the second day and I have just been woken up from the operation. I have glue in my eyes and DEEDEE tells me that they will wipe it away in a minute and I can see better. Yes, everyone is blurry. Ok, they are taking me in off the table and putting me on the rolling cart. I am going back to my room 305 and that is where Ill stay and that is where Lori and RC are . Now, I am back in the room and still trying to get steady and my mind to working. My shoulders are killing me and so far that is all I can tell. Now, the hours pass and you have to lay flat for at least 4 hours and sometimes longer and for me it was longer like I laid from 4 p.m. To 6 a.m. The next morning. BUT during that time I had to use the potty and boy was that something. Pretty hard to lift this big butt up off the bed high enough to get it under me. They just would not let me up no matter what. Ok, at about 10 a.m. January 30th Dr. Baker came in and began talking to me and all that was in the room. First of all he said I could go home my heart was back in rhythm and had been since the operation was done and they didnt have to shock it back. I could tell that. I said so. I was to do nothing for TWO WEEKS and lift nothing over 5 POUNDS. They had gone down my throat and saw nothing and no blood clots and so had done what they call a HOT and COLD ablation which they went up both of my legs at the groin and to my heart with the guidance of the disk they made at the MRI place. Dr. Baker said a wire was placed in my heart and that it would direct the waves of the nerves to a different direction and then my heart will not go out of rhythm. They also saw some damage to my stomach lining from the medicines I have taken for this condition. Oh, I am taking something (not the usual like Nexium) to heal my stomach and that should take about month and also one blood pressure pill for night so that it will stay steady while I am sleeping. I was taken off of pardaxa, multaq, and diltiazem Cd. Now as the day went on my shoulders hurt more and right in the middle of my chest between my breasts hurt not pressure just an ache. Oh oh, my throat was really sore and I had cough drops for that. They gave me two Tylenol for the ache and that helped a lot. Now, comes the ride home. My angel Lori Rushing had made RC a map of just how to go and get out of Nashville and miss all the traffic and so I was reading to him and when I told him to turn right on White Bridge Road he didnt. I said just go on down and find a place to turn around and go back. So here it is 10 a.m. and we are out of there or so I hoped to get to 24 and get on home well we ended up at Opry Mills and I dont know where all and by this time my chest was hurting and I was stressed out to just hanging on by my finger nails and RC was crazy and said how his back hurt and how he was the one who had had to sleep in a chair for two nights and I told him he didnt have to come. I also asked him to just find a place and I would drive us home and he could sleep sitting or laying in the seat. The seats in our car lay down. He wouldnt do it and so in leaving at 10 a.m. We got home at 6 p.m. And had to take I40 after all. We finally found it and ended up going back the way we came. We did make it back before Walters Drug closed to fill my new prescriptions and then home. I want my little adopted friends at church to know that I wont be there tomorrow and only because I feel I need to rest and stay calm. So NO CARE PACKAGES FOR CHURCH TOMORROW. Sorry. I know God will understand and I just dont fell like getting dressed yet and so Ill serve Him in some other way. THANK YOU LORD FOR ANOTHER DAY ON EARTH AND HOW CAN I SERVE YOU TODAY. Well,Folks, I guess that is all to my story and I really hope it helps someone else who has to have this done. I think we are afraid of the UNKOWN more than anything and I know for me it is the needles that I dont like.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:54:20 +0000

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