The gospel isnt seeker friendly - its a stumbling block to the Jew - TopicsExpress


The gospel isnt seeker friendly - its a stumbling block to the Jew - foolishness to everybody else. Reason cannot be the standard by which we judge the truth of the gospel. We must judge reason by the truth of the gospel. They tried to stone Jesus several times before the cross. But we want to make it palatable to the outsider. So we turn to marketing. We turn to externals to get them in the door. In the book of Acts, great fear fell upon the people, and nobody dared join them. Can you imagine the church sign the day after Ananias and Sapphira died? WARNING, If you arent right with God, dont come in and pretend to be, because you wont walk out. The LORD added to the church. People walked away because it was hard. But those who were hungry, those who were thirsty, were attracted to Jesus. Somebody asked, How will they find Jesus if they dont find him in the church. The same way millions of Chinese did when they purged the churches and killled the leaders. The Kingdom (thank God) isnt dependent on the church. We dont understand persecution, we dont understand the Kingdom, we dont know God.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:21:25 +0000

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