The hands are closer to the heart. The mind may be higher then - TopicsExpress


The hands are closer to the heart. The mind may be higher then action but a good act that comes from the heart is like the hand reaching above the head. its easier to distinguish between a bigger good and smaller good then between a great good and a great evil. The way to know if its a great good or a great evil is to let your hands and heart guide you. This is symbolized by the lottery of the two he goats of Yom Kippur where the cohens hands withough his knowledge would select (through grabbing the lotto) the holy goat and the scapegoat. The reason why Jacob had to receive the blessing from Isaac with some deception was because Isaac couldnt see with his mind which of his twin sons was truly holy. The blessing was with his hands not his eyes allowing the unconscious feeling of his hands and heart to allow the true blessing to come down. When Jacob arrives in Charan to marry the woman that he knows he loves Rachel he is tricked and in the morning she is Leah. The idea is that somethings happen to us beyond our conscious choice and often its a higher light and whats more right for us then what we think we know. To be able to manifest this knowledge of the heart through the feelings of our hands we need to work on ourselves to purify our dreams. You cant fix your dreams withough prayer. Prayer is our way of receiving the message if you are properly aligning your desire with your true purpose of living. Prayer is most effective when we are asking for the right insight. The prayer that is unanswered may be like knocking on the wall of a house instead of knocking on the door. This happens when you are not truthful about your own motivations and are still in a place where your perspective is limited because of your ego and selfish desire. Then all the prayer in the world cant help until you can get past the lesson you where meant to learn about your own shortcomings. Thats why when Rachel told Jacob give me children otherwise its like Im dead Jacob responds harshly am I in the place of G-d who is withholding children from you?. Rachel was very jealous of her sister Leah on account of Leah having children. Although Rachel prayed for children and asked Jacob to pray for children she still needed to work on her envy issues. Until she could clarify that her rivalry with her sister wasnt just a ego based jealousy her prayer where not being answered because she was knocking on the wall not the door. Prayer works but we need to find the door. The door is to learn the lesson of why we are being challenged. At the very least become aware of the lesson and challenge that we need to overcome. According to the medrash Jacob told Rachel the reason Sarah had a son is because she brought her competitor, Hagar into the home to be with Abraham. When Rachel heard this she offered her maidservant Billah to Jacob. She merited to have Joseph because she clarified that although there is room for competition for the sake of heaven there is a thin line between ego jealousy and holy jealousy and she learnt how to navigate it. May we tap into our unconscious heart, hand and Divinely inspired self through spiritual analysis, prayer and the dreams and selfless acts that flow from this place of true love. based loosely on the teachings of the Mie Hasiloach and Beis Yacov of Ishbitz
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 16:51:38 +0000

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