The new Dog Control Orders are now enforceable as of Sunday 19th - TopicsExpress


The new Dog Control Orders are now enforceable as of Sunday 19th October 2014... CENTRAL Bedfordshire Council is introducing four dog control orders to help improve its towns, villages, parks and green spaces for dog owners and other residents. The orders, which will come into effect on Sunday, 19 October, aim to cut down on the amount of dog mess, restrict dogs from places such as children’s playgrounds and ensure that people keep their dogs on a leads in certain areas including cemeteries and where there are marked sports pitches. The new orders are being introduced following extensive consultation with the public, town and parish councils, land managers, and other organisations such as dog training schools and dog charities. The new orders mean that it will be an offence not to pick up dog mess from all land which the public can access, rather than just in towns and villages. They will make it an offence for anyone in charge of a dog to: Fail to remove dog mess on any open land in Central Bedfordshire. Allow it off a lead on any land to which a ‘dogs on leads’ order is in place – laws already apply to A and B roads and adjoining footpaths and verges, but are being extended to cover cemeteries, marked sports pitches, and the car parks of some country parks. Fail to put it on a lead when ordered to do so by an authorised council officer, dog warden, site manager or park ranger, if the dog is not under proper control and is causing a nuisance to others. Allow their animal to enter or remain in an area from which dogs are excluded, such as enclosed children’s playgrounds and multi-use games areas. Anyone who fails to do so faces a fixed penalty notice of £80 (reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days) – or a fine of up to £1,000 if prosecuted. Councillor Brian Spurr, Executive Member for Community Services, said: “Central Bedfordshire Council seeks to promote responsible dog ownership. We recognise that the majority of dog owners are very considerate towards others, and we hope that these new orders will help to encourage others to be just as responsible and caring. “Here in Central Bedfordshire, we are committed to protecting our environment, and making our parks and countryside welcoming places for everyone. “Dog fouling and irresponsible dog ownership can unfortunately put some people off using these areas – especially more vulnerable groups of society – so we hope that by introducing these new orders, we can improve the enjoyment of our green spaces for all residents and visitors.” Following the consultation process, the council received 529 responses via an online questionnaire – with two-thirds of respondents identifying themselves as dog owners. Of these, 88 per cent agreed that it should be an offence not to remove dog mess, 66 per cent backed proposals to exclude dogs from playgrounds, multi-use games areas and certain countryside sites, 57 per cent said that dogs should be kept on leads in certain areas, and 68 per cent supported the order that people should put their dog on a lead when told to do so in controlled areas. Cllr Spurr added: “These orders are designed to improve public health by reducing levels of potentially harmful dog waste and encouraging more people who may previously have been put off using our parks and countryside to take more exercise. “Owning or walking a dog is a great incentive to get outside and exercise right through the year, and we hope that these new orders will encourage all residents to do just that.”
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:20:49 +0000

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