((The other side of the holiness story)) Over the years my wife - TopicsExpress


((The other side of the holiness story)) Over the years my wife and I have been scoffed at, mocked, criticized, excluded and had many subliminal jabs made towards us for living a standard of holiness from church folks, family and even friends. Weve visited churches where comments were made about people who think that unless your hair was draggin out your tracks, your sleeves were hangin over your knuckles etc. that you werent going to heaven. When we were the only ones there that, that would even remotely apply to. Weve had people from other local churches tell others you dont wanna go to church there cause they will look down on ya for wearin pants and make-up, they think they are better than everyone else. Nothing could be further than the truth. We have found that we arent holy enough for one crowd and to strict for another. So what do ya do? We chose to keep living the way The Lord showed is to live in-spite of opinions. In the end, I hope that people can realize that there really are people in this world who believe in living a standard before God, not to fit a religious protocol or please a denomination but as a sacrifice of purity and compliance with Gods word and most of all genuine love for everyone, regardless of what they do or dont do. Holiness may seem plain or bland to some but in the eyes of God. Its humility through sacrifice and its not a movement or denomination but a way of life. No matter what area of life or religion your gonna find people that are judgmental. As a matter of fact, even those trying to live a standard get judged for such. Think about that the next time you group someone thats trying to live right with everyone thats lived a standard and done you wrong or disappointed you. With love... Pastor Myers
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:41:59 +0000

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