The phrase, Our God is good all the time, all the time God is - TopicsExpress


The phrase, Our God is good all the time, all the time God is good, has been in my mind this entire journey. What a journey it has been. Davids health has somewhat stabilized but he has some very difficult speech confusion as well as some balance issues. We have been hopeful to pursue a naturopathic route, but the tumor is just too aggressive. We dont have the time to wait, so we have decided to undergo chemo and radiation alongside the natural healing that we feel the Lord has directed us to follow. David had another MRI today and the news was difficult and startling. His tumor has grown quite significantly in a very short period of time making the stress on his brain both dangerous and leading to possible permanent damage. The doctors were rather shocked as they also thought we would have more time to investigate our options. The Lord has been reminding me, Let not your hearts be troubled, you who believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:1 I dont know all of the context intended with this verse, but I do know that is speaks to me this: I can rest in the Lord for He is God. I know that each thought that troubles me, God has that situation under control. I know that God who created me and David has every day numbered and that I can trust in His son, Jesus. I know that as I have trusted in Jesus as the saver of my soul, I can trust Him with my troubled and frightened heart. There is a time for everything and I have cried and will some more, but I choose to put my faith in Jesus and come what may, I look forward to an eternity with him and my precious, sweet husband. David is the most caring and gracious patient you have every seen. He thanks every medical person, reaching out to shake their hands and tell them what a good job they are doing and how much they mean to him. Everyone has come in to say goodbye as they end a shift and tells him how they have enjoyed caring for him. He usually asks for (and receives) a hug from all of his nurses and CNAs. He asks everyone if they know the Lord and prays for them and encourages them in their work and to love the Lord. There are times I come back into the room to hear David aline and praising the Lord. Usually he is saying or singing, Lord, I love you, Lord youve been so good to me. Bless you Jesus, I love you so. Ive memorized it since Ive heard it so many times. Please pray for healing, as our son Jordan said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didnt have very good odds when they were being thrown into the furnace either, Dad. Nothing is too hard for God. We would love for healing to take place and not have to have surgery. Pray for strength for the battle ahead if God wills that we not be healed now. Pray against the dangers of the surgery Wednesday. They cannot remove the tumor but they hope to remove some of it to relieve pressure and have less there for the radiation and chemo to attack. Pray for the body of Christ that we might encourage one another always to fight the good fight and to remain faithful to He who has made us and saved us until that day that we are called to His side. Remember that nothing is too big for our Father God and no pain is too great that He has not suffered it and that He will bring us comfort for He truly cares for you and for me. So, please Lord, I ask in your Name. Please let David live a long and fruitful life. May we please you with our words and deeds in every circumstance as we look forward to standing before you face to face!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:54:37 +0000

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