The same song with Lyrics. I cant say enough about KLOVE 96.7 - TopicsExpress


The same song with Lyrics. I cant say enough about KLOVE 96.7 FM- This station is in harmony with the Holy Spirit. No joking around. Seriously. How do I know. Well... God Himself approves, and assures my heart by His very spirit and His Word. Another angle to the reason: when you are truly born again, you desire or end up desiring for The Lord like nothing you really can explain easily. Your prayers are or end up being in line---& in harmony with Gods Will for you regardless where you might be. Even if you end up walking far away from Him-- You desire or end up desiring God for how God Himself is desiring for you to desire Him and thats when you can know, you are in a relationship with Him--- if you belong to Him & your desire for Him wasnt where it was suppose to be-- IT WILL BE- and not like it once was, but in a renewed state on a much stronger & deeper level in His Son-- Most of these songs are prayers, that are already in the center of a heart that has been redeemed by the Savior. Other songs are true words, saying thanks to the Savior in different ways--- but mostly for the same amazing reason. The fact that The Lord, saved those hearts & souls in miraculous fashion by design. Other songs are, words reporting good news about what God promised that He would do & did. But most songs are directly sung intently to God Himself-- Many of His children start to question if they were saved because many who are born again go down all the way before they can go up cause they have to or theyll never go up--, and The Father hurries and does whatever He has todo, to assure them again & again (as many times as He has to), & reminds them of the joy they once had-- but the reasons vary, as to what God will do through a song & why-- I just stepped into my room, and this song started right at the exact time I stepped in from the very beginning - It resonates in harmony & accordingly simultaneously with my soul, because my soul is in relationship with the same spirit as the one singing,-- and I immediately connect with God with these lyrics & many more along with the music-- I dont know how well I can explain it-- Its as if, this station is connected with Heaven. And whoever is connected with Heaven, will be in harmony-- though they are still here on this earth surrounded by this dark world, and not perfect, but being perfected by the Perfect One- How else can I put it: if you are wanting to pray a certain way towards God in the name of Christ---- a song will come out with the exact prayer you are truly meaning to pray- sometimes you want to shout, and God knows, when those times are, aswell-- If you are in thanksgiving mode: a song will come out giving the same thanks to God thats in harmony with you, if you belong to Him, and are in Christ (His Holy Spirit accompanying you whether youre surrounded by other people or not)-- If you feel down and fallen: a song will come out right on time, with lyrics crying for you, or with you, out to God-- or shouting out to God- Almost perfect timing at all times, because The God of the Heavens- (creator of the stars in the sky)-- is connected directly in time, with the station- and He receives the glory, as He also feeds all His children (through each & every song)-- (He knows where they all are & where they are in their walk)-- and knows what they need to be thinking--- if they arent thinking in line with His Will at that moment, they will cause the song will come out and empower them to get in line with how they should be feeling and thinking---according to His desires for them. God knows I prayed and was hoping for this station to come to FM radio a long time ago-- (MUCH NEEDED IT WAS)--and now its here- (unbelievable yet believable because of Him)--- Whoever considers themselves a child of God- should try this station as a test of their faith. If they really belong to God, THEY WILL DESIRE TO LEAVE IT ON 24-7--- they wont share their radio listening with other stations. If they put KLOVE on, and after a short time, they really feel like they want to change it-- they might not belong to the Father--- (that is my testament)-- and God is the Judge, cause He is the examiner of the heart, & His Word has the final say. If you really were born again: the shock of just knowing Jesus, will never leave--- it will start out a certain ways, go through certain patterns or cycles, ending up in a way it never was before- The shock could dim out, but it will come back even stronger when God lifts u back up if you were down or fallen or perhaps confused--- reminding you, that you belong to Him and not to this world. To cheer up- sometimes or many times, this might happen over and over again, until it finalizes in such a certain way, where you wont be down for long any more-- but remaining up- though u will go on being perfected & sanctified by the Holy Father until you finally meet Him face to face on His Great Day- Though you could end up really low and seeming far away from the Light, as though you really didnt belong to it, God will keep pulling you back-- and eventually He will get such a grasp on you, that you will no longer want to compromise your relationship with Him in any way--- not that you really ever meant to compromise it. But it was part of the process it took for you, to truly end up taking a good enough grip, on the love He has for you by His amazing grace. Predominately: to test if you really belonged to Him or not-- It wont be just God gripping you but you gripping or ending up gripping God back at the same time, like the way its suppose to be-- If you really belong to God, things need to happen in order to show forth the evidence that you indeed do belong to Him and not this world. Sometimes, that means that youll go through amazing states of dark tunnels that lead no where but to places where you can only end up being deeply hurt--- (where you lose yourself and others that you never thought youd lose)--& many other things-- like EVERYTHING! JUST SO THAT YOU CAN REALIZE JUST HOW MUCH THE LORD (WHO SAVED YOU IF HE DID)--- LOVES YOU SO MUCH. HIS LOVE JUST CANT REALLY BE EXPLAINED. Dont know what else to say.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:52:55 +0000

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