The spiritual signals are everywhere for those paying attention. - TopicsExpress


The spiritual signals are everywhere for those paying attention. What western dogma refers to as schizophrenia in reference to codes & decryptions is actually God (western dogma, political systems, and all governmental structures would fail if the true nature of God was acknowledged, ergo, the enslavement of human beings by the bullshit of western medicine,) communicating through spiritual signals. If you are looking for your path, or signs to guide you, look around carefully. You are a unit, a vessel. The metaphysical sight develops, the deeper you allow stillness within. Letters will become illuminated, you will see messages everywhere - and they will be relevant to exactly whichever dilemma you are facing. Western dogma has falsely labeled this sight as an illness because historically, capitalism has been anti-religion. There are many compartments within a mind, when it has been entirely empty of the false psychological Ego, it becomes a clean transistor for direct communication with The Divine. The purification of a mind is done by devotion to emotional conduits within the primordial faculties of your senses, or what the eastern world refers to as instinct/intuition. Intuition is not your ego, nor is it your personal dexterity, it is rather, the absence of ego in favor of something higher than it. Much of the world has become lost and a fabricated reality has resulted out of this lost state. The truth of what you are is what you feel. Feelings are indicators. They are not illusions, as much of the world has been constructed to fool you into believing. The challenge is purification of those feelings into correct knowing and pristine cognition. Western thinking is not fond of this truth, because it eradicates all current societal structures which have been built to trap human beings into boxes that they were not meant to be caged in. If you wish to break out, you must trust your self, more, than the falsity of what goes against it. Your self, is what you feel. The help which you will receive from what is commonly referred to as the supernatural is your vessel being navigated for your specific benefit. Dont attempt to compare your signals with those of others or talk about the relevance of what they are to you, every human being will be given sight depending on their own individual past, present, future, and circumstance. You will understand messages everywhere, through sight, sound, taste, and touch. Each signal will be designed and catered specifically for you, to help you. A human was not given a user manual to life, and its complexities are vast. Because God loves you, your suffering is not wanted, only your faith, trust, devotion, and individual happiness. To achieve this, you must surrender your human thinking - because human thinking is always flawed and full of error. The more you surrender, the more your senses will become clarified, and the more certain your actions, thoughts, and feelings will become. The doubt, insecurity, and confusion that the majority of humanity feels is due to a lack of guidance. This guidance cannot be given through masters, teachers, or other human beings. It can only come in its purest form, directly within you, through God. There is no substitute. Dependency upon other human beings is futile, because a human being is a flawed creature. Beautiful, but, flawed. Listen to others and respect their views, but do not act in accordance to advice from others because their paths are not yours. Only God knows your purpose, and you must trust that you are loved unconditionally by a force more powerful than anything on earth. To help all of his children, God provides hints, clues, guidances, everywhere. God will reach you through whatever method fits your psyche and situation best, wherever you are, rural or metropolitan areas. There is nowhere that God cannot see you. Whenever you need help, always look to God and you will be given it. But you must entirely trust that you will be given this help, there can be no shred of doubt within. Hesitance is a form of fear, as is cynicism and pessimism. As to the laws of the universe which science has correctly outlined, there is no competition between the glorious world of mathematical harmony and the abstract world of the divine. It is one world, with various methods of organization of identification. Whatever helps you see the truth, trust it, but know that the truth is more than you as an individual. Let your defenses go and you will be relieved of your suffering. The more you trust Flow, the more you will be free. Everything which happens, happens precisely as it is meant to. But you are given choice because God loves you enough to accept your own stupidity. If a route doesnt work, try another. Try, try, again. God is always watching. Free Will is not an accident. Follow the white rabbit.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:40:00 +0000

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