The stagnation in training - explore the causes and solve the - TopicsExpress


The stagnation in training - explore the causes and solve the problem The lack of progress in training is quite often found ailment that happens, both for beginners and advanced. The reasons for this state of affairs can be many, ranging from very low-intensity training, an incorrect technique of exercise, poor nutrition, ending on overtraining. Always carefully observe the reactions of your body and skillfully analyze progress training to be able to detect as early periods of stagnation, find their true cause and take appropriate steps to eliminate them completely. Unfortunately, the most common mistake as the consequence of stagnation in training is reaching for unauthorized aids or on the contrary - the abandonment of workouts with the knowledge that nothing more can not be done. Both the one and the other proceedings, to put it mildly, is not evidence of professionalism. So if you happen to be a period of stagnation or occurred in training then know that first of all, do not panic in such a situation, much less resort to radical solutions. As I mentioned, this situation is not a sensation in sport and happens at each stage of development. Skillful approach to this kind of problem will enable you to overcome the current difficulties. Through careful analysis of the situation in which you are in, you get relevant experience, which in the future will allow you to avoid similar situations. Of course, to be able to solve the problem of stagnation in training first need to be aware of its existence. And this is closely related to the monitoring of their progress. It should also be borne in mind that beginners quickly moving forward. Somewhat different is the case with those advanced. Here for progress is definitely harder and makes them much more slowly. Sometimes, what we call congestion in training, it may not necessarily be true. Because the body needs time to make further progress. This is closely related to the proper regeneration after training and proper nutrition. If, however, a long time can not exceed certain limits, and you get the impression that it is still treading water, you should / should carefully consider all factors and okołotreningowe training. Try to honestly answer some important questions: Is my workouts have adequate intensity? In order for the body to make progress, it must be subjected to the efforts of the appropriate intensity. Effort should be large enough to always cause fatigue (either muscle or whole body). If the training intensity is too low, the body will not be stimulated to grow and thus will not make progress. Can I practice at their own level of play? Each of the training should be tailored to the stage of your training. This means that being a beginner, you can not practice as an advanced and vice versa. If you are behind 15 years of exercise, few achieve by doing workout for beginners (unless youre training after a long break and need a transitional period to re-implement the training). Thus, the exercise load and the current rules Training should always correspond to your degree of proficiency. This will allow you to do the one hand, the optimal progress, on the other hand will minimize the risk of contracting injury. If you are a beginner, then regardless of whether you are exercising at the gym / fitness club, at home or outdoors recommend to your attention an article Fri. beginners mistakes in the gym. Can I practice technically correct? Each exercise regardless of the severity of the practitioner should be performed in a technically correct manner. Depends on your security at every workout. Exercises done in the wrong way, not only expose you to injury, but also prevent making any progress. Beginners often have a tendency to cheat during training or exercising in such a way that they become easier. Cheating can only be used for advanced stage, but in order to make the training easier, but that they become a more difficult. However, also in this case, caution, bearing in mind all the time about security. Are you training set myself new challenges and I try to exceed the boundaries? Exercise in such a way that at each subsequent workout forcing the body to perform more effort than that to which was accustomed to, is the foundation make progress in all sports. Because the body fairly quickly gets used to being subject to training. But when this state is reached, then no further progress we are making. That could have been further developed, do not allow him to adapt. In other words, you have to constantly force on it (obviously within reason) more and more effort and keep it in a state of confusion. You can try to achieve this by raising what time it heavier weights, extending the exercises or distance to przebiegnięcia / march, increasing its speed, increasing the number of sets, reps, exercises, training and so on. You should also be aware that not always (not every workout) as possible. The body also needs to have some time for it to be strengthened. Do I practice a holistic (whole)? As mentioned above, the body very quickly gets used to a certain degree of effort, to the detriment of making further progress. Another downside is quick to accustom the body to specific training patterns and repetitive exercises. In this connection it should be ensured as much variety in training exercises and to perform many of the different frequencies at different repetition ranges of angles, with different loads and odpoczynkowymi intervals between them, in such a way that they interact both the free-fibers and the fast twitch, to improve not only the muscles but the joints, tendons or ligaments, affect both the strength and endurance, speed and flexibility, strength, and general health of the organism. In general, the idea is that the training was the most diverse, forcing the body to work in all possible combinations of biological and technical training. Holistic training also refers to the harmonious development of the figure as a whole. This means that it should be possible to train all muscle parties, without neglecting any of them. Did I eat properly? Proper nutrition is the main pillar make progress in the sport. Nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats) should be provided in appropriate quantities and times, so that they can provide the body with the necessary building blocks and energy source. Without it you can not dream of doing any progress. If you are advanced, you may also want to think about proper supplementation, but remember that no nutrients, even the best, are not they are able to REPLACE the value of real food. It should also be noted that nutrients include vitamins, trace elements and water. Do you drink enough water? Water is one of the most underrated, and thereby neglected in the ingestion of nutrients. Meanwhile, it is the most important nutrient, not only for the proper functioning of the body, but for life in general. Therefore, it is extremely important replenishment of water resources on the fly, without even waiting until the desire, to indicate the status of dehydration. Even a 1-2% loss of water is noticeable by the body and will affect the performance, loss of muscle strength and speed. Is joining the next workout I am fully regenerated / reclaimed? Keep in mind that training is only stimulate the body to certain behaviors. But the entire process of wellness, scooping forces, reconstruction and growth takes place between workouts. Specifically at rest. In fact, during intense training occurs in the body, among others, muscle fiber damage and depletion of energy resources. In order for the body to recover and become stronger, MUST regenerate before you start training again. Provide him with the appropriate nutrients (see ch. 6 and 7 above) and to provide the right amount of sleep will certainly contribute to its full recovery. Am I overtraining / overtraining? Overtraining is one of the most common reasons for the lack of progress in training. Worse, many athletes exercising in the state of overtraining, without being aware of it. The most recognizable symptoms of overtraining include: difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate when you wake up, loss of appetite, lack of interest in workouts or fear of them, the need to cheat during exercise, decrease muscle circuits, power and energy, increased irritability, rapid fatigue, decreased libido. To falling into a state of overtraining can help a number of factors - not necessarily the same workouts. These can be, for example .: tense situations in life, long-term stress, constant competition, poor nutrition, lack of adequate rest. If you experience a simultaneous occurrence of several of the above symptoms of overtraining, you should / should immediately take steps to exit from this state. If you do not, you can be the cause to injury, ill or for good opt out of further training. Too bad it would be if all the work that has already been added / you put. Negative answer at least for one of the first eight questions, give you a clue where to look for a solution for your problem. If you watch at home while overtraining symptoms described in Question No. Nine, you should / should take a week off from training and take care of providing the body with the right nutrients. In particular, you should increase your intake of carbohydrates and give yourself plenty of sleep (not less than 8-9 hours a day). After returning to training make changes in the number of classes and series, the applied loads, number of repetitions, pace exercise, exercise time and so on. Many things in life can not, of course, just like to solve. It should be avoided at all costs stressful situations, because they cause the most damage in the body. Do not give up too with training only because in a given month you did not exceed certain limits. Analyze your current workouts, nutrition, rest, and if you need to, and ... life. Try to make changes that are within your control, and indeed for many years to enjoy will not only progress, but also good health and good looks.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:27:33 +0000

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