The steeping time is the fourth and the final secret in making - TopicsExpress


The steeping time is the fourth and the final secret in making “The Perfect Cup Of Tea”. Every single site on the web will provide you general rules that can be followed to brew your perfect cup of tea. But it will not work for all types of tea. The rules vary according to the specific type of tea, the way it is steeped and most important of all – Individual taste. In general, a more tightly rolled leaf will take longer to steep and the smaller the leaf size, more exposed is its surface (larger surface area), and shorter is the steeping time. The best way to prepare your perfect cuppa is to steep tea loose in a pot or measuring cup and then strain the brew into a separate warmed pot for serving. (See how to maintain the temperature of the tea). In case you prefer not to steep tea loose, use a pot with built-in diffuser, a tea bag (See how to make your own tea bag) or an infuser ball (which is less desirable). The better the flow of water, the better the resulting tea. The reason tea diffuser is less desired is because the tea diffuser restricts the flow of water and it will slow down the steeping process. Keep this in mind when timing the tea. As a general rule, infuser ball has to be filled with tea only halfway. If an infuser ball is overfilled, the tea leaves cannot expand freely in water and it will result in a weaker tea.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:06:17 +0000

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