The theme I am working out is Mystical Anarchy. My big question - TopicsExpress


The theme I am working out is Mystical Anarchy. My big question is - How do we integrate our unique visions into the vaster visionary landscapes of our pasts and our futures? How do we take action? I have been the last ten years deeply drawn to heretics and martyrs. This started when I had a dream in which an angel, a beautiful young man, appeared before a bridge. He pointed his finger at my forehead and sent a bolt of light into my third eye. While floating in a black void I heard a voice tell me I had been a conservative authority and a priest of the Church. That what was going to happen to me was connected to that life time. Shortly after that dream/vision I went to an NLP conference in France. I was picked up in Paris by my friend and we traveled a few hours, through the lush countryside to Rouen. I saw the image of the small city with the black towers of cathedral rise up out of a wide plain. It struck me as sinister. I knew nothing really about Rouen. I had not bothered to study any of its rich history. I was focused on the conference which was to start the following day. We found our hotel and then wandered around the town. Very charming. Medieval houses still in use and contemporary shops and malls. Hungry and tired from the long flight from New York to Paris, we found a cute cafe at the edge of an open space, a kind of town square. It was a good meal. As my companion paid the bill, I stepped out into the cool late afternoon, took a deep breath, and without thinking walked in a straight line towards the other end of this open space until I came to a bouquet of purple flowers and a plague. The plague said St Joan was burned at that place in 1421. I was stunned. I felt a presence which quickly vanished. Later I read some history of the region. Two hundred men were beheaded in that square. More recently, I have grown enchanted with Margarete Porete, author of a heretical text, who failed to recant the error of her ways. She was accused by the Inquisition of being a pseudo woman. Like the Maid of Orleans, an unrepentant heretic, Margarete was burned at the stake. That was in Paris in 1310. It is thought by many scholars, that Meister Eckardt found a copy of her forbidden text and fashioned it into his sermons. He too was persecuted by the Inquisition and died during this trial. Last night I dreamed that I was looking into a blue sky and at the horizon appeared a gigantic swarm of black locusts ( drones?) and with flashes of lightning and bursts of flame the black tornado-drone configuration moved towards the glass house I was in. The house was destroyed but I and the inhabitants transformed into a different kind of human. We had given up the English language and were tuning into each others energy fields through our dream hands. I was pretty good at it. I felt the flow of chi in my dream hands and then touched the body of another being and felt a kind of tuning action, a mind body meld, we maintained form and were without words but there was a kind of communication that came from a sound some of the persons could make. It sounded like a Moog Synthesizer. One of the women was pregnant and I felt through my hands the intelligence of the newly formed child. I was passing on what I had learned and was ready to re-form and re-group for the next phase of this journey without a place, journey without an end...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:06:40 +0000

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