The transition to self-sufficiency, in terms of restoring optimal - TopicsExpress


The transition to self-sufficiency, in terms of restoring optimal natural health in the body, requires a genuine paradigm shift in consciousness AWAY from dependency on outside forces, by reclaiming the inherent instinct for survival and unregulated communal living; where-in we can relearn the wisdom & knowledge of natural cures (via tictures, broths, ointments, spices, essential oils, phytonutrient & antioxidant derived holistic remedies) which our ancestors coveted and passed on from generation to generation within the community. The path to self-determination of the body MUST be taken alone. In order to discover your own inherent strength of will, the ability to see past all the lies & propaganda that have been foisted upon you and those around you (by those chosen Elites in positions of high power who seek to control you) for generations, you must walk that solo path up the proverbial mountain, to gradually unfurl the damage done to your capacity for natural immunity and genuine unregulated free-will. Only by facing your fears and self-doubt ALONE can you attain that strength within your heart to stand free from tyranny. This is key to self-empowerment. Those who have sought to keep you in bondage since civilization has existed, know this to be true. And they fear your strength, as they turn away from their own capacity for humanity. I am now convinced that there is but one path out of the mess created by Western Allopathic Medicine and all its hazards & mistakes: Just walk away. What I am advocating is making a clean break, by completely divorcing yourself from all their rhetoric, all the toxic products that are peddled in the name of mainstream medicine, and returning to that sacred path on which our ancestors still stand. Their knowledge is your strength. Natural Immunity is designed to take on and withstand any incoming infections which threaten your survival. The body can only do this when it is naturally, gradually exposed to disease & infectious agents lurking in the environment. We have been socially engineered by a blind-sighted Technocracy, deceived into believing all the lies put forth by Western Allopathic Medicine, the whole mistaken ideology & foundation surrounding Immunization as a practice; an antithetical approach which runs counter to nature, that of COMBATING or shielding yourself off from the environment by injecting toxins into deep muscle tissue/subcutaneously, artificially shocking or jump-starting the body into recognizing external “threats”, rather than holistically EMBRACING all that we come in contact with, thereby re-enforcing, through HARMONY, the inherent properties of natural immunity. I invite you to break the shackles of addiction which have prevented many of us from fully embracing our inherent natural immunity, to return to that path on which our ancestors still stand, and rediscover an independent strength of will forever coursing through your veins. Once you set foot on that road, you may never lay claim to false promises or misguided Institutions of so-called Medicine ever again. Godspeed & good riddance, as they say. May natural immunity be your guiding light through these uncertain times ahead. Words to live by. Amen. Joel Lord, founder of the Vaccine Resistance Movement
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:04:09 +0000

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