Theme: Acceleration and Activation Moses is a type, or shadow, - TopicsExpress


Theme: Acceleration and Activation Moses is a type, or shadow, of Jesus. The Israelites represent the redeemed. Eqypt represents sin. The wilderness represents the process of transformation from slaves of sin, to sons and heirs of God. The Promised Land represents the manifestation of God’s promise. The time it took the Israelites to journey from Egypt (state of sin and slavery) to the Promised Land (signification of transformation from slave to sonship – condition of the mind) was 40 years. It took them 40 years (a generation) to make an 11 day trip. When you think of the Exodus in these terms, it is easier to understand the transformation we must go through after accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. There are many other parallels but for the sake of time and topic, I will focus on the 40 year trip that should have only taken 11 days. How do we thwart God’s acceleration and activation in our lives? The Israelites’ exodus is a prime example of how our resistance to the transformation of our mind can cost us dearly. Because the Israelites were resistant to adopting God’s way of doing things (or God’s kingdom), they spent 40 years (or more than 14,000 days) circling the same mountain to get to a place that was fewer than 2 weeks away. Exodus 13:17 says that God would have taken them a different, quicker route but decided not to because the quicker route would have required them to fight. He knew if they were presented with war, they would have returned to Egypt. Many times, God will not allow us to enter into our promise because we aren’t mentally prepared or suited for it. We haven’t fully committed to this new life and way of living/thinking nor are we willing to put up a fight for it. Could you imagine how the folks who came out of Egypt would have reacted when it came time to fight for the land? Even after spending considerable time in the wilderness where they were exposed to God and His way of doing things, they were ready to return to slavery for some cucumbers (Numbers 11:5). How effective or receptive would they have been in the Battle of Jericho? Or how many of them would have followed through to conquer the land after the 12 spies returned? How many of us have returned to our Egypt because we were uncomfortable with what this life demands of us? We all have been ready to give up our freedom in Christ to return to the slavery of sin in the name of comfort and/or the fulfillment of our carnal desires. God could not allow the first generation to enter the Promise Land because the purpose in the promise was to establish a country that would be sold out to Him. How many of us cannot inherit what God has purposed for us because we are not spiritually mature enough to use what He gives for His purpose? It all boils down to the condition of our minds. Our minds must be renewed in order to be in tune with God and His way of doing things (or in short, His Kingdom). It is only then that our faith is mature enough to activate the acceleration. For so many, this topic of renewal or regeneration is elementary. However, I believe that the current condition of the Church is a direct result of failure to transform, to renew our minds. I’m thinking that we need to get out of our own way in order to experience God’s acceleration in our lives. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). It’s not an easy process as evidenced by the Israelites. They were inundated with false religion and were conditioned to think a certain way while in Egypt for generation upon generation. To make the giant leap in their thought life after the exodus was a massive undertaking. The same could be said for us. But the next generation was able to take hold – there was a changing of the guard. Let’s endeavor to be a part of that change in this day. Lord, we thank You for the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. We thank You that through our complete surrender and yield to Him, we are able to be who You have called us to be. I pray for everyone who is struggling with the process. Help us Lord to identify where we fall short and give us the due diligence to make the necessary changes by the power of the Holy Ghost. We love You and want You more than life its self. Lord, we want to be pleasing in Your sight - not to gain material things or to be known of man – but because we love You, Heavenly Father. You are our Reward. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Grace and peace.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:45:32 +0000

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