Theme: Maximizing 2014 29th January - TopicsExpress


Theme: Maximizing 2014 29th January 2014 Text: 3 John 2 Father, according to Ps.17:5 uphold my steps in your paths that my footsteps will not slip. Lord let men seek victory in you through my life Father according to Is. 57:17, heal my ways that my life may signpost gentiles to you Father, wipe away all effects of past failures and disappointments in my life in Jesus name. Cause me to enter into 2011 with no negative baggage; Father, in 2014, make all things new and glorious in my life in Jesus name; Father, in 2014, let my testimony shows that impossibilities in my life have become possibilities like making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert; Introduction: Verse 1, The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. The apostle John describes himself as an elder, likely implying that he is older, well-respected, and considered an authority figure in the church, especially given that he is an apostle. He writes to Gaius, who may or may not be the same as the Gaius referred to elsewhere in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 1:14, Romans 16:23, Acts 20:4, Acts 19:29). This Gaius is beloved by John as he emphasizes again in verses 2, 5, and 11. This Christian love is founded in truth in that Gaius holds to the truth that is in Christ and His Word, without which Christian love disintegrates. Verse 2, Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. John tells Gaius that he prays for his physical health and all other aspects of his life. He wishes him to prosper and be successful, particularly in regard to his health. John is confident of his spiritual well-being and in regard to the state of his mind and heart in regard to Christ and His Word. Gaius is spiritually prosperous and healthy, and John prays that his body will match the state of his soul. Verse 3, For I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth. Several men had come to John and bore witness to him that Gaius was walking in truth. This brought him great joy. Verse 4, I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. John, being advanced in years and having devoted his life to the advancement of the gospel and the truth, finds his greatest joy in the fact that God is being honored in his spiritual children. Obviously, that a physical offspring walks in truth is a great honor to a parent. But to have those who have grown spiritually outside of our earthly family as a result of our spiritual labor is also a great joy. John’s joy is not just that a certain person knows Jesus but that they are walking consistently and persistently in Him, sowing spiritual seeds of their own. We, like John, should find great joy when we see others doing well spiritually as a result of our spiritual labor. We will reap in due season if we do not lose heart (Galatians 6:9). To maximize something is to use it in a manner so as to get the best out of it. This year 2014 will be operated in such a manner that it will deliver the best to us in Jesus name. Below are vital truths: 1. Begin Afresh: Ø It seems that God allows chronological time to be divided into calendars because He gives opportunity for us to begin afresh. Every New Year is an opportunity to appraise the past, make amends and begin afresh. Ø God has the ability to grant new beginnings by totaling wiping off the ugly memories of the past, but for Him to do so, He needs our total cooperation. Ø Because Joseph had this attitude of letting go the pains, hurts, disappointments, failures, etc of the past, it was easy for God to grant him new starts often. His firstborn son was called Manasseh because …,”God had made me forget all my toil and my entire father’s house”. Ø A wise man said our imagination of the future must far surpass our memories of the past. Write out your goals for this year and trust God for their fulfillment. 2. Focus on God: Ø Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is the Source and Perfecter of our faith. Ø As we focus on Him via prayers, Bible meditation, worship, regular church attendance, etc. He opens our understanding, giving us direction such that we are able to know what path to travel in. This is essential in making the most of 2014. 3. Daily renew your mind: Ø We live life from the inside out (Matthew 12:35). Our lives gravitate towards our predominant thoughts, and our thoughts are real entities in the spirit realm. Ø We achieve results not just through our prayers but also through our thoughts (Ephesians 3:20). Our mind is our garden, allowing weeds such as doubts, worries, lust, small-mindedness, etc. to fester therein is reducing the capabilities of it. Ø A sanctified mind on the other hand is creative, open to God, alert, strong and able. 4. Number your days: Ø The Psalmist said God should teach him to number his days that he may apply his heart to wisdom (Psalm 90:12). Ø Days, not weeks nor months nor years are to be numbered! If we don’t make each day count, the weeks, months and even the year will slip by with nothing to show for it. Ø Maximize each day in 2014 by living deliberately, purposefully and soberly (Ephesians 5:15-17) 5. Enhance your value: Ø The value of something is the worth of it. It is not unusual to see people in the same profession doing similar things earning differently. Ø The reason usually is the worth of each individual, what they know and the results they generate. Ø In 2014, enhance your value by learning more, doing things differently, working harder and trying to make yourself indispensable on your job. Ø How easily are you replaceable? Become a better person, better employer and better employee in 2014. 6. Be Action-oriented: Ø Many goals, aspirations and dreams are not fulfilled simply because there is no action backing it up. Ø Faith without corresponding action is like a body without the spirit, dead (James 2:26). Ø A man of God said that faith is hope wearing working gloves. Our actions are the price we pay for our written down goals and aspirations to be accomplished. Ø The process of faith is completed by the actions that accompany it. Be more of an actor this year than a talker! 7. Serve others: Ø Our lives aren’t measured by the duration of it but by the donation of it. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20: 35). Ø The world is blessed today by generous people who give time, talent and treasures to worthy causes. Real fulfillment is not found in things, it is found in serving God and also mankind. Ø Whatever thing you make happen for others, God will make same happen to you (Ephesians 6:8). We are recreated in Christ Jesus in order for us to do good works. Conclusion: The grace of God is given to us to do the seemingly impossible things. Harness the grace of God in 2014 to maximize the year and bring pleasure to your maker. It is your year of distinction and great occurrences in Jesus name. PRAYER POINTS: Father, in 2014, use me as an object of your praise in Jesus name. The glory of Persia was displayed on Mordecai when the king wants to honour a person; Lord, let the glory of heaven be displayed / arrayed on me throughout 2011 in Jesus name; Father, throughout 2014, let the voice in my household be “The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD”;
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:57:51 +0000

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