There are no cartels in PF, says Edgar Lungu as he lifts all - TopicsExpress


There are no cartels in PF, says Edgar Lungu as he lifts all suspensions in the party Time Posted: September 8, 2014 4:56 am 2,585 views | 24 Comments |Email This Post Email This Post |Print This Post Print This Post | Home Affair Minister Edgar LunguEdgar Lungu PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary-general Edgar Lungu says there are no cartels in the ruling party. And Mr Lungu says he has lifted all suspensions of PF members so that they can actively participate in affairs of the ruling party. “I have heard about the issue of cartels. There are no cartels in the party. It is just a perception,” Mr Lungu said in Lusaka yesterday. He said it is unfortunate that some people hold the belief that they are anointed to take over the presidency because they are close to President Sata. “It is not automatic that when one is close to the Head of State, then they will take over. No! Many times President Sata draws us close to him so that we can learn from him,” Mr Lungu said. He also said there are no factions in PF because members are loyal to President Sata. He said it is an undisputable fact that PF is centred on President Sata, who worked hard to build the party from nothing to where it is today. “PF was built around President Sata. We shall watch him, listen and learn from him. I will personally learn from him as much as I can,” he said Mr Lungu, who is also Minister of Justice and Minister of Defence, said he does not envy being president because it involves a lot of hard work. “Remember President Sata once made me act in his position. It is not something I look forward to. There is so much work,” Mr Lungu said He said President Sata is occasionally bound to make mistakes as a human being but that those around him will give him proper counsel. “Obviously as a human being he can err but we will always guide him. Mr Sata is a man who listens,” Mr Lungu said He said suspensions were lifted with the exception of matters that are before the courts of law. Mr Lungu said those who once held leadership positions will not retain them because there are no vacancies “We didn’t want chaos. So when we lifted all the suspensions we simply reinstated them as ordinary members so that they can actively participate in party affairs. “I urge everyone who was once suspended to continue working for the party,” Mr Lungu said. Meanwhile, Mr Lungu says the PF will win the 2016 elections contrary to views held by opposition political parties. “It is nonsense to think that the PF will lose in 2016. President Sata’s vision is now bearing fruit. PF will win. The party is growing stronger by the day and it is now very attractive,” Mr Lungu said. He said President Sata has remained in touch with ordinary citizens, who voted for the PF. “The power lies with the people and our President is a man who listens to the ordinary people,” he said. Mr Lungu said PF will not shift goalposts in its quest to serve and improve the lives of the people. “No one has the monopoly of wisdom. We have allowed everyone to contribute to the growth of the party. I am clear that come 2016, we are getting it,” he said. Mr Lungu said he will not fail to run the PF on the basis of holding two ministerial portfolios but that he will perform with President Sata’s help and members.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:55:31 +0000

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