There is a moment when you realize that your practice playing an - TopicsExpress


There is a moment when you realize that your practice playing an instrument has paid off. Youre not an expert yet, you might only be a fledgling beginner. But that moment comes, and when it does, it can pass by without a thought, or it can blow your mind. Its the moment when you stop playing by yourself and start playing with someone else. When someone joins you in song, there is something beyond simple sound. Suddenly, without saying a word, you can communicate feelings to a perfect stranger. You hear the music, but you feel the communication going on. You might be having an important conversation, or maybe youre just speaking nonsense - you may not even know what you are saying. But you know that it, whatever it is, is powerful. Its why we move to music. Its why we remember names like Beethoven and Mozart, sway to the singing of Houston and Dion, and bang our heads to Hendrix and Paige. Its why we sing praise in church. Music isnt just pretty. It isnt just genius. Its communication on a level that impacts us in a way words never can, and allows us to express ourselves - to each other, to ourselves, and to our God - in ways only our heart and soul can pull off through music. Music is the laying bare of the heart, and the nakedness of the soul - it is the pouring out of agony and the generous sharing of joy. I am convinced, as enjoyable as playing any music can be, that these feelings can only truly be experienced when playing music with others - they come solely from the invisible yet undeniable connection of music. I love that feeling.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:47:44 +0000

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