There is a powerful mixture I would like to share with You ! *** - TopicsExpress


There is a powerful mixture I would like to share with You ! *** This is a recipe that is powerfully anti-cancer as well as a powerful treatment for Alzheimers, Aspergers Autism, Arthritis.....and a multitude of other ailments ! Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory, as well as a great anti-depressant fact, Turmeric has more benefits for the body that almost any other substance on Earth ! These are the ingredients : *Turmeric * Cayenne pepper * Ground Black pepper * Coconut oil * Blackseed ** ( optional extras when cooking :- Garlic & Ginger Heres a quick glance at the individual ingredients... *Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric are the King and Queen of all spices, and are a most powerful medicine !!! *Turmeric is fat-soluble, (requiring fats for it to dissolve in), and Coconut oil is THE perfect oil for this - and for the body ! ~ Btw, it is also the only oil that does not degrade with high temperature cooking/frying, * Coconut oil has numerous and incredible benefits for the body ! *Blackseed has been called The cure for everything, except death Eaten as a seed, or even better in oil form, Blackseed, aka Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) has a multitude of benefits for the body and helps with virtually every condition !..adding 10% of the quantity of Turmeric in Ground Black *Pepper will boost the effectiveness of the Turmeric by 2000% ! The Piperine in the Black Pepper will help carry the Turmeric further through the digestive tract, thus making it more effective, for longer. Also, adding pepper to most natural medicines, will take them through the digestive tract a lot further, and so, you get even more benefit from that particular plant medicine ! * Cayenne Pepper is one of the best boosters for the immune system...and a few drops of Cayenne Pepper in water - applied to the tongue - can stop a heart-attack immediately !!! ~ Many people in the US carry a small bottle of Cayenne Pepper in water with them, for this very purpose ! The simple recipe is : * One tablespoon of Coconut oil * Two teaspoons of Turmeric * One quarter teaspoon of Ground Black Pepper * Two teaspoons of Blackseed * A sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper ( increase quantity as you go along) ** If you are cooking this mixture longer, you can add Garlic and Ginger ! This mixture can be added to any soup, or virtually any dish. It does not require cooking, just warming ! It is dee-lish and has a combined benefit for the body that is powerful against any condition, and of course, as a preventative ! Below are some links to illustrate the incredible abilities of these ingredients ! Please investigate for yourself ~ Be Well ~ I Love You ~ Philip ~ naturalsociety/turmeric-absorption-super-benefits-black-pepper/ coconutoil/ undergroundhealth/black-seed-the-remedy-for-everything-but-death/ articles.mercola/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/14/
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:43:55 +0000

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