There is a topic that Ive been wanting to talk about for some - TopicsExpress


There is a topic that Ive been wanting to talk about for some time. One that is quite close to my heart. Music Not all thay long ago, I found myself in a personal perfect storm of a situation where what I knew, said, and did, were exactly what was needed whilst a crowd was watching. As far as I was concerned, I was doing nothing different to what I had always done. Tell my story as honetly as possible. Because I believed that within my story lay advice and wisdom that had seen my life change immeasurably. Im on my ascension path. My experience within the esoteric community showed me that how I go about my business is unique. So I decided to turn my life into a metaphorical, multi media, real time big brother. With all the compromises that go with it. Every thought I have and action I take is shared. For the most part unfiltered. At times to my own detriment. And of course, there is a personal gain from this. It was the best way I knew to address my fears. Which as it turnd out play a large part of my ascension process. What I wasnt counting on was the interest it has generated. Or the directions it has taken me in. Or the people I have met. I found myself in a world that I was completely unprepared for. And completely intimidated by. If truth be told. Yet if was to stay true to myself and my intentions, I had to learn to shake it amongst the people and circumstances I was most uncomfortable in. There are no half measures when you seek to ascend. All or nothing. And nothing just wasnt an option. Throughout this whole time, the one thing that has been personal has been music. I like what l like. And for one reason or another, its been years since Ive involve myself in the latest and greatest or otherwise of the entertainment industry. I have a selection of genres that give me a big warm fuzzy and as a result I could use them as part of the story telling process. (Same goes movies and tv. And games. Been out of the loop for so so long). And then I found myself in a situation where people and groups were seeking my opinion about all sorts of things. Music included. I think that one of the reasons my opinion is sought after is because whether right or wrong, its honest. And I can always give valid reasons as to why I support what I support. Either it, or the people involved with it have had a positive impact on my, or someone elses life. This applies doubly so to music. And yet, I found myself getting swept up on a wave of attention that had me promoting songd and artists Id never heard of. And for a variety of reasons, songs I couldnt listen to. My opinion doesnt make something good or bad. Its just my opinion. And its always open to questioning. So when I give it. I want it to be genuine. Bear in mind, Ive been without a computer for 4 months. I have been working from a used and abused, long suffering, yet ever faithful and over achieving Galaxy Note 2. Through it, Ive been building a business and provding a voice for those that no one else has ever considered. Whilst trying to ascend. (And second guess which you is me :p) Which means overcome my fears of communicating with a group of people who, for a variety of reasons, I find intimidating. (And not make too big a fool of myself). Not to mention, when it comes down to it, I want to to have at least one area of my life that is personal. And in spite of the show I put on, I do appreciate discretion. So for four months, and for as long as necessary, music is on the back seat. I simply cannot promote something or someone I dont know. I dont sell products. I promote principles. I praise merit and effort. (As I perceive it). And for I while there, I was in danger of selling out on myself. And surrendering the quality that gives my opinion value. So I stopped. And thats where I am at the moment. Only finally able to express myself in a way that is meaningful. If convoluted. Ive really missed having my music in my life. Ive missed not being able to share a moment without feeling like there is a cost involved. And I accept this as part of my ascension path. It is what it is. And it is a necessary work in progres. You cant discover your best whilst everything is perfect and easy in your world. There is no need to put in an effort. I look forward to the time when that situation changes. (Or at least have something more than a phone to work with. Just saying :). And am able to finally be all of me again. Whatever that looks like now. Thanks for listening. Its been a pleasue. Kind regards. Peter.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:49:56 +0000

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