There is perhaps no better place to analyse and evaluate nations - TopicsExpress


There is perhaps no better place to analyse and evaluate nations like through Security/Human Rights Council Votes. I start with Francophone African countries like (Burkina Faso, Benin and Gabon), whose votes can be deciphered almost without always. Where their ancestors the Gauls vote, you can be sure these countries would vote same. Often these countries were handed independence on a platter - but have never really been independent. Interestingly Botswana (the darling of the West and Africa standard bearer of human rights and justice) abstains. We need to remember that Botswana has often broken ranks either its SADC neighbours and with the AU because it wants to be seen as a very principled country. Here we see Botswanas principled stance. Some African countries whether you agree with their positions or not will take them anyway. They take a position which is either YES or NO without fear or favour. Well favour maybe but they maintain a fair level of independent decision-making. Notice that countries which have had a history of oppression and which achieved their independence through sweat, tears and blood have taken very clear positions on where they stand. They seem to be fairly independent. Surprises though are Cote dIvoire and Congo Brazza. One would have expected them to side with France as most of Francophone Africa would. But then sometimes analytics can get it wrong. I might be wrong but it seems all South American countries have voted YES? Then of course there are the western European countries which have found it most convenient to abstain. This makes it easy as there is a tacit understanding that the US would do the dirty work and VETO. Then they can come out smelling like roses. What would have been their votes were this issue about Syria, Libya, Zimbabwe or North Korea. One is bound to ask if they are truly driven by principles or something else. I would not go as far as say double standard as in the case of Israel they have not voted NO. And now the Queen of double standards - the US. The only one to vote NO. What would have been the USs vote if these had been North Korea shelling South Korea (two countries with fairly equal fire power - See South Koreas vote). We need to continuously remember that these votes are cast between David and Goliath, with David being the GIANT here. Has this ever really been about principles? Really!!! Indeed should the rules of the UN Security/Human Rights Council Change or should we just change the membership of the BIG FIVE?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 04:56:59 +0000

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