Theres a misconception in many communities that believe when - TopicsExpress


Theres a misconception in many communities that believe when someone reaches a certain level of spirituality, they are expected to no longer experience their emotions. This mindset actually creates one of the top blocks people have to truly living a fulfilling, free and joyful life. In reality, one of the most spiritual things we can do for ourselves is to honor, feel, and embrace our emotions without projecting them on to others in a harmful way. This will instantly begin to remove the patterns of self-sabotage and being hard on ourselves. Have you ever noticed yourself cruising along on your spiritual path, and you feel everything is going smoothly, and then one little glitch or challenge you are faced with instantly feels way bigger than it actually is, making you feel like all the hard work and dedication you invested into your spiritual journey has all gone to waste? This is usually a result of not recognizing that its okay to fully embrace and feel into our emotions. The emotions we are experiencing, that dont necessarily feel the most comfortable to us are some of the greatest teachers and feedback systems letting us know a little refinement and self love is necessary. When we are able to recognize our emotions as an important feedback system that have the potential to expand us into more of who we really desire to be, then we allow our emotions to be great teachers that lead us back to our most True and Authentic Self. This is what spirituality is all about. Love, Emmanuel emmanueldagher
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:31:51 +0000

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